Chapter 18

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Thyme pov

It's been five days since the party happened, i kept acting on it as if it's real.

I felt changes in kavin , i could see him staring at me for long periods of time and I pretend that I don't see that yet I'm very happy for the change .

But why kavin isn't here today? Is he ok ?

"Guys , where's kavin? Can you call him ?"

Ren replied
"He's not picking up "
As he dropped his phone on the table .

I got worried , but then i thought maybe he's busy studying for exams he's the only one who cares about it , I'll just leave him be .

At night , it was about 12 am when i heard the door bang few times .
I woke up ok the bang as i rushed to the door and opened it

Kavin threw himself in my embrace crying , i got shocked and scared .

Is he ok ?he looked weak and shivering, he was cold as ice as he cried i hugged him tight .

"What happened kavin ?"
He just cried and shivered

This is the first time since a very long time seeing him at this state .
When we were in middle school boys bullied him and he came crying hiding in my arms like that .

I tried to calm him down to know what happened

"T- talay , he tried to rape me !"

My blood boiled , i want to calm down to calm him down but I can't help it he touched my own property.

I can't control my anger my whole body is burning right now .

I want to kill him with my own hands and finish him for touching kavin .

I calmed myself seeing him crying and shivering in my arms .
You will pay for it talay for laying your filthy hands on my man .

I waited for him to calm down and sleep , i kissed his forehead and got there .

Yes to talay's house as i broke in and grabbed him by the collar lifting him up .

"Hey ! Where do you think you're going ?"

"How dare you lay your dirty hands on kavin?"

"Heh ? He already ran to you like a baby and told you huh? Oh daddy help me ?"

He mocked

As i slammed him to the wall

"Sadly he didn't let me touch him, you did it with him and he let you , well i guess i can do it next time with him "

He continued

"You kissed him when he didn't want to "

He said smirking

"Shut the fuck up you dirty prick  don't compare yourself with me you're nothing like me i would never force him to do anything against his will , i liked him for years yet I haven't touched him without his permission !!!"

I shouted in anger and just hit him non stop

"What did you do to him you filthy little prick huh? You fucking asshole "

I grabbed his head and slammed it in the window , pushing him on the floor towards the door putting his arm beside the door to let it break as i pressed my foot on his face .

"I will let you live this time , if i see you with him again i will  pluck your eyes and you won't be able to see the light anymore "

I left him i was uncomfortable i wanted to end him but i have to go back to my kavin because he's left alone sleep .

I came back hime seeing him sleeping soundly like a little baby curled up .

I sat down beside him ruffling his hairs , i was afraid to sleep and let him like that what if he woke up and needed something?

I don't know why i feel all of that happened because of me if i had known I would've sticked with him all the time but it's my fault for leaving him like that .

No one would've hurt him or touched him .

My little baby , his feelings were hurt I can't even imagine the amount of fear he felt there .

I bit the inside of my lips as my eyes started tearing up.
I hugged him so tight and kissed head .

I will always protect you even if you are an asshole with me .

"Please don't touch me ! Help "

He said in his sleep, he's having a nightmare.

Kavin shivered as he sweated and curled up .
I panicked and hugged him

"Baby it's me thyme , i will never let anyone hurt you "

"I'm here don't be scared calm down ok!"

" don't leave me , please don't leave me "
He said , his voice was shaking in fear , my poor kavin .

I cried while i embraced him in my arms

"I'm sorry , I'm really sorry that you got through all of this without me , i hope you don't hate me and get traumatized by it "

As Days passed for the incident i came one day to the university

When i saw talay's gang wanting to fight , i wanted to fight back and use my powers against them which is to fire them all but I can't, talay's parents share half of the university here .

I beat them up as i got few punches on my face that caused my lip to cut and bleed a little bit .

It wasn't a big deal at all , as i ran to the men's room to wash my face .

I walked out and saw kavin's face , he was sad and worried
He doesn't have to feel guilty at all it's not his fault he didn't do anything wrong.

They deserved it anyway he's the victim here I don't want him to be upset about it .

I cupped his cheeks telling him that I'm ok and it was nothing I taught them a lesson .

He was still looking depressed, he has the right to actually after he got through to all of this .

I hope he stays strong as he always is .and i will stay by his side protecting him all the time .

End of chapter 18
Next chapter will be the end of the whole flashback so please wait for it 🤭🤭🤭

See ya

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