special chapter

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Hello there !
How have you been peeps ? It's been a while since I've been here.
I really missed writing and wattpad so so much ,also I've seen all your comments and messages and i really apologize for being absent all this time I've been having a hard time dealing with writer block for few months and i hated that i couldn't write anything or even think of an idea it always stops in the middle of thoughts .
I feel like the words won't describe what i am feeling right now and everything is messed up .
So as for this date in particular 21/3/2023 THE DAY WIN POSTED THE RING PIC
I was motivated to come back here and write again because tbh i can't handle not to write, I'll try of course to write as much as before .and try to unblock this writer block thing put of my head , pls cheer for me and support me so i can continue what i was doing and come back stronger .
As for cosa nostra , it has a big impact and sp many powerful ideas to write and of course it needs alot of time to create such a perfect chapter as the previous ones .
That's why i decided to come here, my safe zone and most close story to my heart and yours to make a special chapter for you guys !!
Surprise!!haha yep i decided to make one due to what happened lately made me really wanna kick my ass out and go write again .

So pls enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyd writing it's, love you and keep supporting me !!


The weather is cold or I'd rather say freezing , the wind is strong and cold and the same time .
Dew drops slide down the window glass as they create this !misty beautiful view .

There was two love birds in the corner of the room hugging while sleeping under the thick sheets .

Was sticking his head into his lover's neck ,his messy hair on the pillow ,in deep sleep .

But for Kavin
Who was annoyed trying to scoot off his lover's embrace.

"Thyme~move away ! I have to pee"
Kavin nagged

"Five more minutes naa~'
Thyme said in a sleepy voice

" I'm telling you i wanna pee ,I'm gonna do it on myself!! "
He pushed thyme away .

"Hey!don't push me away , let me sleep and it's cold so please don't go"
Said in a tiny voice with those puppy eyes .

"Ugh ,I'm not leaving you I'm just going to the restroom"
Kavin rolled his eyes.

"Ok just don't be late "
Kavin ran straight to the restroom as thyme stayed in bed his eyes following kavin steps as his lover walks in to the restroom.

He watched the door and smiled ,he sighed deeply staring at the ceiling

I'm not imagining that right? It's real ? as his smile widen

What happened this year was amazing i can't describe it at all yep as you guys heard we have been dating for a year now , one year together inseparable no problems at all

well...we did have but i don't have to mention it cause it's not that big of a deal .

ahh this year is the best year of my life , after graduation we decided to move in together , and guess who offered this idea ? kavin !!!

at first it was hard because i'm a messy person and kavin is more organized in literally eveything , we also decided not get maids at the house so we can take our time and be comfy around the house .

*thyme's face suddenly gets red thinking about it ....

well that's what i meant -

after that we started working at my dad's company , kavin rejected it first but i begged him alot , if he worked at his father's company we wouldn't feel comfortable around the company ,whee ever he goes i go .

My shooting star ( kavin and thyme ) Where stories live. Discover now