Chapter 7

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Kavin arrived home when his parents called him

"Kavin ! "

"Yes father "
Kavin replied
"Why did you come so late ? We didn't see you for days "
His father said

"Honey , he has school he must be busy "
The mom said

"Oh yeah , he's busy with following girls and those friends of his and doesn't have time for his own family?"
"Honey just give him a chance he's gonan do good "

"Do good? He's going to the university for nothing , he should be working in the company with me and leave school instead he's wasting his time with useless things"

Kavin was just standing there annoyed inside, while his parents nag him they didn't even continue their talk when kavin waved and left to his room and just sat down spacing out .

The next morning
Kavin woke up on the sound of his parents waking him up , it was about 6:30 in the morning

"Fuck we don't have school today why did they wake me up this early ?"
Said kavin rubbing his eyes getting up forcefully off the bed
"Get your ass out of here , we're going to the company today "
His father said

"Alright alright stop nagging me "

"Get ready in ten minutes "
Said and closed the door behind him , he went there and worked hard started learning new things as well in the company .

It was noon when thyme called him

"Hey why didn't you come ? We're supposed to go to the doctor today to remove my cast!"

"I'm sorry I'll be a bit late but I promise I'll come pick you up so wait for me ! Something came up in the company so i had to go "

"Ok "
Thyme said in confusion
MJ called him later on assuring him to come to the party but kavin insisted not to come yet MJ knew his weakness and threatened him to come because it's thyme's party as a celebration to his recovery.

The work finished about 3 pm and kavin finally went to pick thyme to the doctor's office.
They waited hours for thyme's turn to come as the nurse called his name

"Thyme akira !"

"Krub that's me "
Thyme tried to stand up when kavin helped him walk to the office , finally freedom he had removed the cast

"You'll need a few days to get used to walk on your foot so don't stress it out much and be careful with it just take baby steps "
The doctor said to thyme

"I will thank you doctor"

"Ah - and let him help you for the moment you can't walk like that "
Said the doctor pointing his eyes at kavin

"Alright doc , thank you so much"
Kavin said as they left

"We're going to my house right ? "

Kavin snapped out , he was spacing out while driving

"We're going to my house remember? To pick some clothes for the party "

"Ah- yeah "

They arrived and all kavin can do was spacing out everytime thyme talks to him

"Hey how about this shirt with this pants ?"

"Everything looks good on you , you can wear it of you want to "
He sighed

"Is that true ? "
He approached and sat next to kavin moving closer to his face

"What? "

"That everything looks good on me?"
He moved closer which made kavin push him off the bed falling on his bum

"Ou-ouch ouch my foot why did you push me like that ?"

"Oh my image sorry I didn't mean to , let me make it up I'll choose your clothes today "
He helped him sit on the bed and chose few outfits for him

"This one looks good try it , no wait this one , urghhh I'm confused !!"
He growls

"What's up kavin? Tell me is there something bothering you ? You've been avoiding talking to me or opening a subject with me lately "

" I didn't get to sleep yesterday "

"Awww come here sit here "
He tapped on the bed letting kavin sit beside him , thyme brushed his fingers through kavin's hair and smiled which caused kavin to blush bloody red

"Now tell me the real reason why are you stressing like that ?"
He softly said to kavin

"In fact , my parents wanted me to quit school and work at the company instead "

Their pep talk was over after a while of having a long conversation about it .

Finally it was 8 pm and had already left to the bar

"Heyyyy guys !!you came together!"
MJ's voice faded at the second sentence like it wasn't that odd to see them together after the doctor's appointment.

"Hey "
Ren said
They sat down and talked laughing and joking and drinking then kavin saw something made his eyes wide open and made him breathless .
His mouth was opened wide swallowing his saliva hardly .

"What's wrong ?"
MJ said

"K- ka- kaning !"
They all looked at the direction of kavin's eye sight there she was sitting with another guy laughing and smiling with him .

"I have to go "
Kavin said standing up bit before he even did that thyme grabbed his arm "
"Stop , don't go and ruin the mood , just sit down and enjoy it ok?"

"Yeah , let's enjoy the night "
Ren said

Kavin's eyes  started tracing them , she's laughing at the lame jokes the guy's making .
Kavin took a big glup of wine and shoved a big piece of fruit into his mouth he drank and drank until he got drunk .
He just wanted to punch that guy so bad as he stood up to go and punch him the guys stopped him .

He left in anger , thyme ran over to follow him to the car
"Hey ! "

"I don't want to talk don't follow me !"

"Yes you do ! Stop !"

"Get away thyme , I'm warning you "
He's drunk he doesn't know what to do , going back and forth at the same place not being able to find his car .

"I'll drive you get in "
Thyme said as he pushed him to the passenger seat forcefully "

Kavin say there crying as thyme drove away of the bar

"Did you really have to stand up for yourself and go to fight that guy for real ? She fucking left you for another guy for god's sake!"

Kavin laughed out in pain
"I wanted to make you jealous, but i ended up liking her and she left me for him "

Thyme had enough he stopped the car and hit the steering wheel hard which caused kavin to flinch at the sudden movement.
He opened his seat belt and moved closer to kavin pointing at his heart

"You liked her and cared for her and you never cared about how i feel? You couldn't even give me a chance or love me ?"
Kavin broke into tears

"But that broke my heart thyme "
Thyme wanted to say that he really deserves it but he can't bring himself to say it .
Instead he pulled him for a hug and kavin just cried on his chest

"I love you , but you're breaking my heart everyday "
Thyme said softly in a sad tone Which broke his voice .
He squeezed him in his embrace

"Alright stop crying you're making me feel bad and hurting me like this"
Kavin just dug his face into thyme's chest and fell asleep after a long time of crying .

End of chapter 7

Will kavin be able to remember what happened tonight?
Are things going to solve itself?or by someone intruding their lives ?

Let's find out  on the next chapter

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