Ch 36 -final

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It was morning , thyme was lying his head  on kavin's lap both on bed watching something on tv- kavin was so into the tv show eating some fruit and watching the show , playing with thyme's fluffy hairs as he watches tv with him.

Thyme wasn't watching anything of the tv show instead looked up to kavin's beautiful face staring at him- his jaw , his lips ,his eyes the way he's really into the show opening his mouth like babies .
He smiled feeling the best he is now that kavin was finally by his side .

What did i do to deserve him?he's a piece of art .

He notices kavin's crooked spaces and adjusted it for him softly as he smiles .
Kavin snaps looking down , he finds his smiling lover staring at him lovingly .

"Why are you so beautiful? !"
Thyme said softly while brushing his fingers on kavin's cheek .

Kavin leaned down blushing red giving thyme a kiss on the forehead.

After a moment of silence thyme realized something- he didn't bring anything for kavin's birthday because everything that's happened.

He broke the silence

"What do you want as a gift ?"
He asked as kavin hummed

Thyme always buys me some gift and he always buys me expensive ones and won't let me buy anything to him .sometimes if he buys something for himself that's useful for me not for him and gives me a smile .

Where was i from all these details ?? Why did i waste all that time ?
He thought
Kavin looked at thyme again

"My gift will be something different this time , i want to make anything you want come true this way it will be my gift , please thyme don't reject my request!"
He pouted

Thyme on the other hand staring at him with sparkling eyes.

"Is that all you want ?"
Thyme asked

"Umhm "

"I don't have anything in mind "

"It's alright, think about it then tell me "

Thyme took few seconds to think then fidgeted his fingers looking down

"No more fights or misunderstandings ?! "
He said softly questioning
Kavin becomes soft yet feels a bit regretful then smiles , he tilts his head leaning to thyme giving him a soft kiss on the lips .

"Your wishes are my command sir"

Thyme on the other hand was feeling butterflies he dug his head into kavin's tummy hugging him kissing his tummy .

A second later thyme was on top of kavin giving him soft kisses all over his face .
Kavin grabs thyme's cheeks looking at him

"What do i do to make you happy?"
Asked kavin

"Just stay by my side and don't make me worried about you it hurts kavin it really does "

Kavin pulls him again stamping a kiss on his cheeks
"I promise!"

He said

There was a door bang downstairs it was sudden made both of the boys panic.

"Thyme !!! Kavin !!!"
They heard someone calling them

Thyme's grip on kavin's hand gets stronger looking dark and panicked as mr Taemiyaklin rushes to his son hugging him .

"I was scared to death about you!!"
Said mr Taemiyaklin as he sighs
As both of the boys looking at each other's in confusion asking each other what happened!

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