Chapter 22

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Au pov  :

In thyme's house , specifically in thyme's room clothes were on the floor all messed up because thyme was choosing something for kavin to wear for school .

He took few shirts and put it on kavin's chest trying it

"This one is nice , no wait this one looks better - this one is very nice but I don't want anyone to see you wearing this one you'd look cute in this shirt "

He took another one and placed it on kavin chest again

"This one would look so great ok you but it's big ,your chest will show nope nope pass , why are you so cute and baby?????"
He squeezed his cheeks

Kavin huffed
"Thymeeeee , stop that we'll be late for school if you keep doing this "

They finally pick one of thyme's clothes

"A'thyme , could you help me with the pants zipper ? It's not closing "

Kavin asked as he struggled to zip the pants but it's not working

"Alright, tho only open things not close it but fine "

Thyme zipped the pants struggling bitting his lips but it's bot working so he leaned and kneeled down to get a better view and finally zipped it properly.

As kavin put on his shirt his hair got messy

"You're literally a baby kavin , look at your messy hairs you just combed it "

Thyme said as he ruffled kavin's hair combing it with his fingers as it crossed his silky hairs. Thyme put kavin's spaces on for him .

"We're done now , let's go "
Grabbed him by the arm and left for school .

They arrived to a bit isolated place further from the university and thyme parked his car then looked at kavin

"Baby "

"Yeah ?"
Kavin looked at him with the most dreamy eyes thyme had ever seen

"I'm driving you to school and I'll be going to my dad he called me he wants me for work so please take care of yourself while I'm not around ok?"

"Ok thyme , you too take care of yourself "

Thyme smiled and ruffled kavin's hair

Thyme exclaimed


Thyme pointed at his cheek as he puffed it


"A kiss ? Come on !"
He pressed his cheek few times before kavin pulls him and kisses his lips instead .

"Take care "
Kavin says softly as he grabs his lips and runs off to the university.

At the university

Kavin ren and mj were sitting alone

"So how's your relationship with thyme going?"

Ren asked

"It's going great "

Silence broke in

kavin suddenly opens a strange topic asking

"Hey guys ?"


He leaned towards them and whispered

"I wanna ask you about something "

"What is it ?"

"You know , umm - is it painful?"

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