Chapter 29

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Sorry for the late update i will make it up for you guys and spoil you in this chapter 😂 also today's chapter will be long so you can read as much as you want hihi🤭🤭

Hope you enjoy 😉

Leggo :

Kavin pov :

I was fidgeting my fingers nervously the anxiety in the air is suffocating me , it's been ten minutes and both of us are silent.

"Ummm- uhh- first of all"
My dad stutter and placed his arm over his nape nervously

Not knowing how to start this conversation , he decides to sit closer to me .
As he sat closer i was feeling anxious and nervous .
He kinda felt bad for me i guess from his looks .

"I- i don't know how to start this but i know i messed up and made a big mistake and hurt you alot kavin, you have the right not to forgive me but .... I want you to give me a chance to express what's inside me right now "
My father said as i kept quiet

"Say what ever you want , go on"
I said then to him .

"You know me when i lose my mind and get angry I can't think straight or calm down but i know it's not an excuse for hurting you physically and i know it's very wrong from me"
He said as he looked down .

I looked at him and felt bad for him - i know he can be very angry sometimes and obnoxious with me but he never hit me before

I placed my hand on his

"It's ok , i forgive you dad "

I said as he lift his head looking at me with tearful eyes and smiled then kissed my hand

"Thank you- thank you son but ...kavin I don't think  i can accept your relationship, you're my son and I'm giving it up because i love you and I'm gonna turn a blind eye on it and not care about what's happening but that doesn't mean i will accept it but i will keep quiet "

I knotted my eyebrows as i pulled my hand away from his

"You mean by that you're  not mregretting anything?"

"No, I regret hurting you but I don't regret my objection of your relationship that's different- kavin it could be like one your past relationships it won't last for a day or tw-"

"Please don't judge my feelings this way you don't know how i feel at all dad "
I cut him off

Then continued
"I feel different when I'm with thyme way diffraction from my past relationships!"

"Because you're with a guy your first relationship with a guy !"

"No ! It doesn't have to do with being with a man or being gay dad i feel that my feelings are stronger and that I'm really holding on to him alot more comfortable with him I couldn't get steady with any girl i dated before but with him it's different "

My dad's eyes looking at me with full worry ,i guess he worried that i do love him and he can't get me out of this relationship.

"Ok , do whatever you want - I'm not gonna butt in - in your life but on one condition- don't do your lovey dovey infront of me ! And listen to me more , you know what i mean !"
He warned .

My expressions changed
"Dad i know what you mean but I told you I can't! "

"But you have to try as i am trying to accept it "

"What the ? Is it give and take or what?"

"No no it's not that ! But try for me as I'm trying for you "
He said

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