Chapter 30

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Au pov :

"What should i get for kavin?"

Thyme asked , he wanted to gift kavin something for his birthday asking mj and ren about it .

"I don't know, maybe you should give him a kiss or something or a steamy night as a gift !"
Mj said then smirked

"Shut the fuck up ! The hell i want a gift that's practical but he almost got everything !!!"
Thyme blushed

At kavin's house

Kavin was pacing in the house calling out all the maids and workers in the house ordering them what to do and what not to do .
Making sure everything is perfect for his birthday party- everything has to be perfect in any kind .

They always prepare for his birthday party like this and nothing has to get wrong at any point .

"I prepared the menu for you - make sure you prepare all this food , and don't forget the invitations "

Kavin spoke then called the guards outside

"Did you decorate the garden and the rest of the house? I want everything to be perfect no scratch "

Then called the head maid asking her to get ready before the guests arrive and close all the doors in the house just in case .

He headed inside again lost of who to invite , his phone rang

"Hey baby"
Thyme said over the phone

"Oh hi ! "

"How's the preparation going ?"
Thyme asked

"Going well until now !"

"That's great then I'll see you tonight "
He said

"Yeah, oh by the way what are you guys wearing tonight?"

"Ohh just normal black suits why?"

"I'm just asking cuz I wanted to wear the same send the pics so i can see them "

"Oh ok ~ then I should go now i gotta go with the boys "

"Okay thyme - see you tonight "

"Love ya "

"Love you too "
Thyme then hung up

"Oh hey kavin son !"
His father walked in

"Hi dad "

"Want me to help ?"
Said the father offering help with the invitation list .

Kavin was surprised yet touched that they're finally becoming a normal family and that his father would accept him the way he is by offering him help .


"Yeah why not help my own son ? Let me check the invitation list and complete it for you "

Kavin hesitated at first then thought why not give him the list ? He asked if he could help he's trying to get closer to him why not give him a chance ? so kavin handed him the list

"Then write the list if  you forgot anyone tell me so i can add them "

"Nope don't worry son I'll invite them all"
He smirked

It was the party time and the boys arrived first
Kavin saw his lover and his friends walk in as he walked towards them .

He saw a bouquet of flowers in thyme's hands

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