Chapter 9

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Au pov
Kavin breaks in to thymes room the gang were sitting there talking as thyme laughed because he was talking about how he felt after the kiss .
Thyme's smile fades as kavin breaks in to his room in anger .

"Hey what happened-to you are you ok kavin ?"
Thyme stood up nervously touching kavin's face in worry .
Kavin's face was puffed up his eyes were red he looked like a mess .he let go off thyme's hands as his face became serious.

"Can you tell me what is this ?"
Kavin took out his phone showing thyme the clip he received.
Thyme only smirks and says

"Heh - our first kiss "
"First kiss my ass ! Do you know whAt you did ? "

Thyme just doesn't understand it

"Why are you taking it seriously? It's nothing "

Kavin paces in the room in anger shouting at thyme unconsciously

"Nothing? The video speared in the whole university and you say it's nothing ? What if my parents saw it ? Huh? What will you do ? What they're going to say if they did huh ? You know them ! Are you stupid? Do something and try to delete it ASAP"
"I'll explain the situation to them "
Thyme calmly said

"Explain to them ? You know my parents, they won't understand it no matter what you do or explain! "
He shouted again

"Then why did you kiss me if you didn't like it that much huh? Or did you enjoy kissing me ? "
Thyme had enough of all that and shouted
Kavin on the other hand couldn't take it anymore and had enough of all that nonsense and threw a punch in thyme's face .

"We're done here , we've become strangers now !"
Kavin said that and left the house towards his car , which left thyme in shock he didn't expect that it would lead to all of this and end like that !

He followed kavin ren and MJ followed thyme as well to calm him down
"Kavin!!! Stop I'm talking to you!"

Kavin opens the car door to get it but thyme was fast to grab his hand and push him against the car door and slammed it .

"What do you mean we're strangers ? How can you say that ? We can find a solution for this !!"

"There's no solution for it , you started it and I'm ending it ! You two as well "
He pushed thyme's hand and got in the car .
Thyme freaked out burst in crying hitting himself as he broke on the floor .

"Calm down thyme ! "

"How can i calm down ren ? You heard what he said ! Why are you being so cool about it  ? He's fucking hurting me by ending this friendship! This is bad "

"Just calm down , he probably didn't mean it , he's gonna forget about it tomorrow , come on let's go home now ok ? "
They took thyme inside and stayed with him until he calmed down after a while .

Few days later

Kavin didn't come to university .

The f4 members tried calling him but his phone was turned off , thyme then decided to pay him a visit ,he'd probably see him home and talk to him .

"Sorry sir , older master doesn't want anyone to visit I apologize "
The guard said
They were worried sick that. Something had happened to him or that he hurt himself because of what happened.
Thyme was able to delete the clip after two days so the scandal won't spread more to others .

After a week or so kavin finally came to the university

Thyme saw him from afar and called out for him .
Kavin didn't even look them in the eyes and just ignored thyme.
He looked skinny and lifeless he had dark circles under his eyes , his pupils were blood red .he looked like he had lost alot of weight during these 10 days .

Kavin quickly walks away ,as thyme stands right infront of him cupping his face

"What happened? Talk to me don't let me hanged like this please kavin !"
Kavin looked at him with despite
He lets go off his hand and ignores him then walks away .
They boys followed kavin to the dean's office and heard what they were talking about
"You're officially not a student here anymore, so good luck kavin take care "

"Thank you dean "
As he took his papers and left the dean's office the guys heard
As thyme follows him to get a chance to talk to him again

"Kavin ! Please listen to me "
Kavin freezes and turns towards thyme .

" i can't stay with you anymore "

"Put everything aside ! Put my feelings and liking you aside , think about our friendship! I'll forget about loving you please don't do this to me ! We're childhood friends how can you end that ?"

Kavin lets go
"I'm sorry , I can't "
And leaves

Thyme on the other hand breaks down crying , he's left for real , he won't be able to see him again after he left school .
Where will he see him? Can he see him anyway ?it feels sad that their friendship ended this way , it wasn't expected, not a single soul expected this to happen at all .

Thyme stood up on his feet after ren and mj had left .
leaving everyone and going to another place where no one can see him .

He sat down there feeling bad about what happened, feeling guilty about everything.
"Can i sit here ?"
A girl asked thyme as she smiled
He didn't reply as she sat beside him

"Can i know what's your name ?"

He looked at her in surprise
"You don't know me ?"

"I'm sorry I'm new here I don't know much "

"Thyme akira "

"Wait !! Akira paramantra  ? "
She said surprise her eyes wide open !
"Yes , why ?"

"The thyme akira ? Who loves kavin ?"

"What ? You just said you're new how do you know that?"

"I just heard it from the students they were gossiping about you guys"

"Hah?  Who are you anyway?"
_____"i'm gorya "

End of chapter 9
What do you think gorya will do ?
Will she cause more trouble than the trouble that's happening right now ?
Let's find out next chapter

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