Chapter 15

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Au pov :

Help kavin ! Thyme had an accident

Kavin's phone dropped on the floor from shock

Thyme ! In the hospital? What ? I hope it's not that serious.

He thought as he ran off to his car , while driving those scary moments and the last incident of thyme got back to his mind .

(Are you ok thyme ? Why didn't you pay attention? You idiot !)

( do you remember him?)

(He's kavin ! Hehe )

When thyme broke his leg , other moments came to his mind as he blamed himself.

What if it's something serious? What if he got hurt to bad ?
Is he gonna remember him ?
All these thoughts came to his mind .
He cried and cried in the car until he couldn't see what's infront of him.

And almost got into an accident several times on his way .

He finally arrived to the hospital and hurried to the reception

"Where's thyme akira's room please hurry ?"

"It's on the second floor room number 105 "

"Thank you nurse "
He ran to the second floor and opened the door quickly when he saw thyme laying on the hospital bed . His eyes were closed, the medical machines were beeping you can hear the heart rate device  making sounds .

"Thyme , wake up please talk to me ! Thyme please , you can't do this to me i have came back don't leave me "
Kavin hugged him tightly , brushing his fingers through thyme's hairs digging his face into thyme's chest crying .

"Thyme , i love you - i love you please thyme wake up !!"

" you do ?"
A soft tone voice whispered in his ears

Thyme whispered softly with teary eyes can't believe what he just heard .

Kavin froze in his place , he stood in disbelief with tears in his eyes with the baby look in them questioning with his looks .

"You're awake !!! Are you ok ? "
Kavin said after realizing thyme had woken up .

"Answer me kavin, did you really mean it ? You love me?"

Kavin froze , he couldn't even answer his question as thyme got up and got kavin up with him.

The older man cupped kavin's cheeks then softly said

"Don't be quiet, I've had enough of this - just tell me , do you really mean what you just said ?"

Kavin only hits thyme's chest hard crying his eyes out

"Of course you idiot you scared me to death and you're making fun of me like this !!!why are you hurting me like that huh? What did i do to you to deserve such treatment?"

The older guy pull him into a hug and cries too

"Finally! I can't believe it ! You love me ! And you're in my embrace now - I can't believe it "

"What's the use ? What's happening now is all wrong, You have gorya "
He said the last sentence with a low sad tone and put his head down .

Thyme hugged him again and smirked

"Oh , don't worry about that"
He said smiling .

The boys were there as well but kavin didn't actually pay attention to them until they laughed just now .

He broke the hug In confusion

"What? What's going on ? "
He notices gorya as well

"You're here too?"
Kavin blushes .

"Of course I'm here , but you only see your lover !"

Kavin was shocked and blushed again

"What are you saying? Aren't you supposed to be angry at me ?"

Thyme grabs his cheeks again

"Don't worry , I'll explain everything - you guys , can you leave us alone for a moment ?we need to talk "

The f4 and gorya smiled with a dirty minded look on their faces then left .

"Thyme , please explain to me , what's going on?"

"I'll explain everything in detail but first....."

Thyme's eyes goes down to kavin's lips with lust eyes then continued

"Let me make my dream come true , I've waited for this moment for years "

He pressed his lips against kavin's lips as they share a soft kiss .
The older boy feels the heat and pushes his tongue forcefully begging for entrance.

As kavin opens his mouth allowing him to taste the saliva as their tongues share the liquid inside their mouthes .

The kiss becomes hotter and hotter as thyme pulls him closer to sit in his lap continuing to kiss .
Their hearts racing , both feeling hot as they pull of the kiss and take a breath .

He touched kavin's face and smiled happily

"Finally, I can't believe it "

Then kissed every part of his face down to his neck .

"You know what happened to me when I saw this hickey on your neck? "
Thyme clinched his fist , digging his face into kavin's chest  breathing heavily in anger .

Kavin smiled as he held his hand

"You make one for me "

"Huh ?"

"Make a hickey for me , it hurt when he did it and he forced me to it so make one and take the pain away "

Thyme melted
"What are you trying to do to me ? You're driving me crazy ! I love you so so so much !"

He starts to lick his neck , sniffing him as kavin wraps  his arms around thyme's shoulders .

Thyme on the other hand bit kavin's neck which made kavin release a soft moan .


It drove thyme crazy , he slid his fingers through kavin's shirt when kavin pushed him away blushing .

"What happened? Did i do something wrong?i'm sorry "
Maybe he's not ready for this , or had a trauma of what happened at talay's .

"Shshsh, i just wanna know what happened, don't get dragged out "

Thyme huffed in boredom

"I swear I'm gonna tell you , but first i wanna get enough of you "
Kissing his noes and cheeks softly .

"Thymeeeee "
Kavin said whimpering softly then continued

"I'm not going anywhere just tell me "

"Ughhh - fine , it started when ...."

End of chapter 15

Now with this confession things will change , but let's find out how all of this happened in the next chapter.
How thyme got into all of this
Why did thyme did it
Will kavin understand ?

Let's find out next chapter .

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