Chapter 8

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Thyme pov :
I sat in the car staring at kavin who was sleeping soundly , thinking about how he liked her and not giving me a chance .

"Why won't you give me a chance ? I can love you more than she does "
I said whispering muttering the words .

I sighed and took him home , dropped him on his bed and left , i hope he forgets what happened tonight I don't want him to feel pain and bad about kaning . 

Au pov:
Next morning, kavin woke up with a headache not remembering what had happened and who brought him home , he thought he was dreaming or something.

He prepared himself quickly for school and hurried there , when he walked in the university was a mess about the prom and the graduation party that's coming this night .

He headed to the f4 gang and sat down thyme , ren , and MJ were discussing wether they should go there or not .

"Wanna go thyme ?"
Mj asked

"I'm not sure yet , I don't know "
He thought if kavin is coming he'd come for sure .

"What about you kv ? Are you coming?"

Kavin asked as he dropped his bag on the sofa .

"The graduation after party !"

"Ah ~ definitely "
"Cool then I'll be coming as well with ren , it's about thyme now if he's coming or not "

"Come on thyme this should be fun we can have a blast tonight "
Ren said as he patted on thyme's shoulder.

"Alright- but I'm not coming to the main prom "

"Suit yourself "
Mj said

The preparations finished finally and the prom after party started everyone was gathering to play truth or dare as they sat down in a circle .
As for mj and ren they joined the game trying to have fun but as for thyme and kavin they just sat there .

Kavin on a hand sat down alone in a corner drinking a bottle of beer .thyme was sitting a bit further to him .

They started the game as they asked questions it was getting fun everyone was enjoying it .

Thyme just stared at kavin thinking
"He loved her that much that he's drinking like that? Did he really love her that much? Was she worth all that?"
He took a big slurp our of the beer can he's holding , one led to another kavin as well a beer can led to another and both got drunk after a few shots .

Said thyme in a drunk tone after releasing one hiccup yet oavin jist ignored it and didn't reply

Then continued
"Wanna join them? Hiccup* "
He pulled his hand and let him join the game .

"We want to play too "
Said thyme in excitement

"Alright , let's see truth or dare?"
The boy said to thyme as he smirked

Thyme confidentially and without even hesitating
"Dare !"
Said it right away

"Geez ! That was quick , how about you kiss kavin ? "
Everyone in school knows that there's something about them .

"Yeah do it !"
Another boy said

"But - he can't no don't do it thyme "
Ren said

Thyme looked confused, on a hand the others are cheering for him to kiss kavin on another hand ren is pushing him not to do it .
Yet ren couldn't do it due to the big cheering that happened .
Thyme's eyes were dark and lost focused on kavin's face who his eyes were sparkling and half opened .

He pulled kavin immediately smashing his lips on kavin's standing up didn't even think of sitting down to play the game .

Drunk kavin kissed him back , as the kiss gets heated more and more kavin pushes thyme which causes him to trip and fall over the couch that's behind thyme .
Kavin released a moan as he felt thyme's tongue slipping out to his lips begging for entrance,he opened his lips and allowed his tongue to explore his mouth while they make out  their wet kisses continued the room was getting hot both not realizing that there was people in the room looking at them ,
kavin touched thyme's chest brushing his fingers on his chest causing the buttons to open as he squeezed his hand on his shirt .
While thyme's hand was making a fist on kavin's nape and the other hand was surrounding kavin's torso brushing it on his back , back to hsi torso again .
Thyme pulled out taking a breath as be slid down to kavin's neck nibbling his neck then bitting it quite hard as he sucked it giving him a hickey ,That made kavin release a soft slightly loud moan in pain .
Cameras started flashing the phones were filming the whole thing .
"Stop ! Stop filming you guys !!!"
Ren said trying to stop them from filming but it's no use .
Then it all went black .

Kavin wakes up the next morning on the notification sounds his phone was making , too many notifications it was unusual.
He woke up rubbing his eyes and checked his phone , there was a video which was sent to the line group of the whole university.
A opens the video finding himself making out with thyme , a serious look turned into anger as he threw his phone on the bed concerned.
What if his parents saw that ? He's dead after that . He can't let his parents see this he knows them very well .
He started pacing around in the room pulling his hair out panicking sat on the corner of the room crying in fear .
Thyme just grabbed his phone seeing the video

"Finally, dream come true i got to kiss his lips , those plump squishy lips ,ackkkkk I can't believe i did it !!"
He jumped off bed happily then sent a message to kavin .

( you must liked my lips that made you kiss me like that !)
It was spontaneous he didn't mean to actually mock kavin but meant to tease him that's all.

Kavin received the message he was furious as he threw the phone away in anger pacing in the room lokking for his keys nervously ,taking his car keys and left the house .

End of chapter 8
Where's kavin going ?
Is things going to be worse than it is now ? Let's find out next chapter

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