Chapter 31 🔞

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Caution ⚠️

More 🔞🔞 than you think so be prepared , if you're under the age of 15 please skip this chapter I'm not responsible of what you are about to read ...



Au pov :

Thyme was pacing in the room nervously when he heard kavin's father voice from downstairs

"If kavin woke up tomorrow and knew you ruined his birthday party he'll never look you in the face thyme remember that !"

Thyme. Kicked the door in anger and just paced around again repeating words
"I was hurt , i was hurt "

Then a flashback came to his mind when kavin's father talked to him

"What if kavin hurt you and decides to end everything because he thought there's no ise of being with you what are you going to do that time ? Are you going to accept it ? "

kavin's moaning cuts his thoughts  he looks at him kavin was trying to take off his clothes , thyme walked towards him helping him to take off his clothes and maybe put him to sleep afterwards.

"Thymeeee~ babe ngh "
Kavin said as he tried to grab into thyme's shoulders but thyme pushed him away .
He was angry and pissed off he can't do that to kavin.

As thyme took off kavin's pants kavin wrapped his arms atound thyme's shoulders trying to sit down properly because he can't sit on his own .

Placing his head on thyme's chest as he melts on his chest and says adorably

"Why your heart is beating so fast? And your body is hot ,i mean it is hot but i meant - hiccup"

Thyme only rolled his eyes and tries to push kavin away but kavin grabbed thyme's shirt opening it but he barely can unbutton the half of it .

As thyme's necklace drops on his chest it was a T letter necklace.

Kavin digs his head again into thyme's chest staring to kiss his neck and chest which made thyme unable to resist. He closed his eyes bit his lower lip holding back his moans.

Trying to push kavin again but kavin but thyme's necklace and pulled him towards him as their eyes meet .

Thyme melted but he's still angry looking at kavin hungrily .

"What do you want kavin?"
He softly with a husky voice said

"Kiss me ~ "
said kavin as thyme smirked

"Want me to kiss you huh? Why didn't you ask the girl to kiss you? You might like her kisses better "

Kavin looks at him with puppy eyes knotting his eyebrows

"What girl ? I don't want no girl i want you thyme "

Thyme pushes him back on the bed roughly
"You want a kiss huh?"

He roughly kissed him , thyme's hungry eyes turned  soft  as he kisses kavin pushing his tongue into kavin's mouth , and all kavin can do is moan he couldn't keep up with thyme's rough kisses he wasn't even breathing and just kisses kavin without taking a moment to take a breath.

Then thyme moves away to break the kiss , kavin was barely breathing his eyes half opened he's literally melting- his lips were swollen due to the harsh kiss .

"Now you want a kiss kavin huh ? What am i to you "

Kavin takes a breath then tries to lift himself up to touch  or kiss thyme but thyme pins him on the bed .
One hand pinning kavin's hands up on his head and the other hand touching kavin's waist .

My shooting star ( kavin and thyme ) Where stories live. Discover now