Chapter 4

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Thyme pov:

Kavin was drowning ! I can't help him my feet were pinned to the floor

"He's gonna die thyme !!! Do something "

MJ said to me screaming for me to help kavin but I couldn't , i felt like my legs were numb sticked to the floor .

Kavin was waving for help drowning then he started to go slow and down slowly .

"He's dying man , go help him"

"I can't, I'm trying really "
I was crying nonstop wanting to help him so bad .
His hands stopped moving suddenly

"He's dead !!! He's fucking dead  all because of you "
Mj said shaking me ! As i stood there in shock

I suddenly woke up crying ! Thankfully it was a dream .

I sighed in relief, took a sip of water and looked at the time .It was about 3:45 in the morning

I took my phone and checked kavin's instagram he'd posted some stories and posts through the night .

At the bar ? At this time ? He was with few girls of course i shook my head and laid on bed again .

Then I started thinking

Maybe my attitude annoys him ! Or he hates the way i act with him and with others , i want to change I won't do anything that could hurt him anymore .

The next day at the university

I was quiet the whole time with the noisy gang of mine

"Why are you so quiet man?as if it's not you "
Ren said in question

"Yeah he's right ! You're not picking on him anymore! That's kinda weird "

"It's nothing "

I said as i put my head down locking  my fingers together.

"I gotta take a piss be right back "
Kavin suddenly stood and exclaimed Then left to the restroom.

"Dude it's your chance, his girl left him you have to take this chance and start flirting with him "
Mj said as he sat beside me hugging my shoulder .

" no way , I don't want to do that to him "

As days passed i stared being nice to him i wanted to impress him not directly flirt with him as MJ said .

One day we were walking on our way and me and kavin took the same way while ren and MJ took separate ways , kavin was walking right infront of me not giving a shit to the wet floor he's walking on .

As soon as i said
"Careful you're gonna -!"

He slips , but before he knows that I caught him immediately, and he fell into my arms.

Our eyes suddenly met , his eyes were sparking his face was reddish was he blushing ?

He quickly stood up and adjusted his clothes

"Ehm , thanks "
Awkwardly said to me than ran off to I don't know where when we were supposed to go have dinner together.

Another day passes

We were having lunch at my house with the gang .

He was eating literally like a baby

"Careful, don't eat quickly you'll choke "

"I'm fine , I'm not a kid "
He said continuing to eat when a piece of rice was on top of his cheek .

I softly removed it and look him in the eyes , again his face became red and avoided to look at me then continued eating .

It's been a week or so since i have been trying to impress him , yet I couldn't see it .

Au pov
It's been a week now thyme was keeping being nice to kavin in that period of time he was feeling at ease , comfort of what he's doing .

Yet kavin was getting this weird feeling in him , he kept getting butterflies, blushing everytime he looks in thymes eyes .

There was that day when he went to the restroom and stood beside the sink looking at his own reflection in the mirror after washing his face .

"What the hell am i thinking ? I'm nit thinking straight ! This can't be happening!"

He came back to the gang and sat down , thyme was staring at him all the time it's making him angry and pissed off .

That's it , he had enough

Kavin stood up suddenly and announced

"You're all invited today to the bar ! And it's on me "

Thyme was actually smiling but then his smile fades into a frown

"Alright! Fine , we're ALL going then "
Focusing on the all word .

At the bar

Kavin invited his girl and two other girls to the bar just to tease thyme, he wasn't even thinking of pleasing his girlfriend or making up with her .
All he thought about was teasing thyme and making him jealous.
He was sitting with them alone at the corner of the bar and the guys divided with other groups of people.

He sat between the two girls who were dressed improperly .

Thyme pov

He was sitting there with the three girls kaning and those two girls who look inappropriate.

Kissing them , whispering in their ears , even taking turns in having to kiss him as kaning left to the lady's room .

I took a sip of my drink as i watch those three , trying not to go mad over this .
I'm not doing anything, I promised myself not doing anything .

I walked towards him when a man stood right infront of me , i got so angry and hit him few punches won't do gah i hate this , i promised myself to change .

"Man ! Stop it !! Why are you doing this ? This poor guy ! Oh my god "

MJ came in and broke us away

"You can see him just watching me and he's doing nothing , he loves to do this to me "

"Don't ruin what you've planned for thyme , take it easy  don't go to him just - let him for now ok? "

I looked at  MJ half eyed and left in anger , drunk , driving my car with tears in my eyes , anger is gathering in my brain and body I don't even know what to do anymore!

I can't even think straight , i lost my mind now it's driving me crazy i hate this so much .

Why is he doing this to me ? Does he love to torture me like that ?

I didn't even see what was infront of me then everything went black and my car hit something.

It's gone black ....... I don't know anymore

End of chapter 4

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