Chapter 20🔞

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Today's chapter will be fun yet hot at the same time light smuts not too much because there's much awaiting in the next chapters and specials .
Oh and ps : prepare yourselves for cuteness and hotness I'm not responsible for it 😂😂😂

So let's begin......

Au/ pov

Thyme thought that kavin is a bit stressed out so he decided to take him out to change his mood
He went to his house

"Kavin!!! A'kavin !! Baby "
He said as he walked weirdly towards kavin's room

"What???? It's fucking nine am what do you want ?"

"Woah woah woah chill , i just came to take you out on a date "

"I don't want to "

"Come on we'll take a stroll no car just you me and strolling "

Kavin didn't say anything as thyme pulled him out from his bed making him shower and change as they went for a stroll going to the university .

As they were walking thyme held his hand locking fingers together .
But kavin blushed and took away his hand

"Stop, people will see"

"So what if they see?"

Thyme pouted then placed his arm around kavin's shoulder instead
"There , all better want me to hold your bag? Oh wait also your books "

" heh , you don't hold your own books and come empty handed now you want to hold mine?"

"Awwwww My cute smarty pants boyfriend "
Squeezing kavin's cheeks

"The fuck stop !!"
He blushes as he shouts looking left and right to see if someone saw them .

Thyme couldn't handle this face and kissed him then hugged him tight which caused kavin's glasses to get crooked due to the kiss .

He was blushing red , thyme puts back his glasses .

They arrive to the university as everyone see them together, kavin lets go of thyme's hand he doesn't want to be seen like that .

Thyme thought that maybe he wasn't ready for that yet .

"I'm going to class now , I'll see you after ok?"
Thyme whispered into kavin's ear as kavin pursed his lips nodding

After their classes were done kavin was headed to the men's room as he heard someone following him there he immediately walked in and closed the door but he was stopped by someone.

"Chill baby , it's me thyme "
Said as kavin freaked out hitting him non stop.

"Haha sorry "
He kissed kavin All over

"Hey there's people inside !!!"

"No one's here , i closed the door and locked it"

As he carries him to the sink making him sit there .

"You cunning !!"

Thyme started kissing him again all over down to his neck , he wanted to bite his neck bit kavin was fast and pushed him away.

"No, I can't "
Said in fear

"You choose , either i make it or you choose another place to make a hickey, you can't run baby"

Kavin was stunned it's all new to him living the bottom role in real life.

"Ah- i - I'm "
The young man stutters and couldn't even make a full sentence.

My shooting star ( kavin and thyme ) Where stories live. Discover now