Saved by a Guardian Angel

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Elizabeth's pov

When my eyes landed on the golem standing before Jimin and I, my nerves shot through the roof. I had encountered this particular golem before, this one wasn't the one that the warlock used to take Damian. This golem was the same one that had scarred me as a child, one that ripped through the town and went berserk. It had not only caused so much destruction, it brought on death of almost 1/3 of the town that day. I gripped Damian's scabbard tightly, trying not to remember the horrible aftermath of the destruction that thing caused so many years ago. It took days, which turned into weeks to get the stores back up and running. For houses to be rebuilt, we even held a huge town funeral service for those who lost their lives the day it showed up in town. The golem standing before us was huge, he stretched several feet taller than both Jimin and I. I remembered the one from many years ago was just around the same height, although the body it had was very different from this one. The upper half of the body consists of a human shape figure, the lower half covered in metal plating. The arms were covered in fur, looking very different from the human part of the body. It unsettled me greatly to have to run into one of these things again, the destruction it can cause is horrible. I gripped Damian's scabbard tightly in my hands, scared out of my mind at the thought of having to fight this thing. The first time I saw one of the townspeople confront this thing, it towered over him so easily and with one swing, that person was dead before he even hit the building. That was what drove the town into a massive panic, people were scrambling to get out of harm's way while more mages showed up to defeat the thing.

It surprised me that Jimin seemed so calm in a situation like this, but this only solidified my belief that he's been up against all kinds of creatures during his time in the forest. The golem stared directly into my eyes, making me sweat bullets as I felt truly intimidated by its harsh stare. That thing was a nightmare, I just hoped that we could take it down without drawing attention from other creatures that were lurking in the shadows. I didn't have to guess as to who sent this thing either, but it made me question how he could have possibly done it. I shook the thoughts from my head, feeling uneasy and I knew that I wasn't going to let Jimin fight this thing alone.

"Jimin," I spoke in a small voice, "What's the matter?" He asked, keeping his position defensive. "This particular golem is really dangerous." I warned him, "Have you run into one of these things before?" He kept his eyes forward, not wavering for a minute. "Yes, when I was really young. It attacked my town, nobody was strong enough to take it down except for my Dad. And it took him over an hour to get it on its knees. And it took him even longer to even defeat the thing once and for all." I explained, thinking back to how injured Dad had been after the fight with this golem. Mom made sure that he stayed in bed and received the best care from the Town's doctor, she was very strict when it came to things like that. "Well Shit, that's just fucking fantastic." Jimin muttered, the golem let out a giant roar causing me to cover my ears as Jimin cringed. He immediately fired off an arrow, but it repelled off of the golem and sunk into the tree nearby.

"Fuck." Jimin fired several more arrows, which did nothing to the golem. I panicked, watching as it raised its giant hand which I had now noticed held a large bat. It swung the bat in the air, before smashing the spot directly in front of us. The force knocked Jimin and I off of our feet, throwing us back a bit as it got ready to swing again. I heard Jimin cursing under his breath, but he stayed calm enough to load his bow.

I noticed that the arrows he was using was different from the ones that he used earlier against the wolf, which made me curious as to why they were different. A strange glow surrounded the arrow head, which happened to be the same color as Jimin's hair. "I'm not dying today by the likes you. And neither is she. Let's see you take this." Jimin released the arrow, which then bursted into flames and hit the golem in the stomach. This time the arrow embedded itself into the stomach, making the golem scream and writhe in pain. Jimin fired another one, this time, the arrow glowed bright yellow which meant electricity. This arrow embedded itself in the golem's upper chest, shocking it severely. As it screamed in pain, I noticed how wildly it started swinging its arms. I panicked, my eyes widening when I saw one heading straight for Jimin who was reloading his bow.

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