The Magic of Aeston!

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Jungkook's pov

Elizabeth had finally woken up not that long ago but Hoseok deemed it necessary to still carry her, I didn't blame him for being so overly protective of her. After all, she was literally hexed and had a body link spell casted on her which Jimin and Namjoon broke. I was amazed by the amount of strength that I had to use to keep Hoseok from flipping out and nearly destroying everything and everyone in his path, he really does care for Elizabeth a lot. And I don't think it's just because he is her Guardian Angel, there is more to it. Elizabeth tried to get Hoseok to let her walk but he wasn't having it, so she ended up just staying on his back. The path we were currently walking was actually quiet and peaceful, which made me feel at ease but I kept my senses on high alert. I noticed that Elizabeth had eased into the feeling, so much so that she had fallen asleep on Hoseok's back. "So you said this town is like Mythbrook? How do they compare?" Jin looked to Jimin, he was the only one who knew a little more about this town the rest of us. I had never heard of Aeston, I only grew up knowing about Mythbrook and it's magical atmosphere. Not once had I heard about this town, but Jimin has. He after all always learning and traveling to new places, which is probably how he stumbled upon Elizabeth back near her part of the woods. "Yeah, they're very similar. At least what I've heard is they differ because Aeston doesn't move as often as Mythbrook. The people are also very different, the merchants are a little more charitable and charming than Mythbrook. That's all I really know about the town. But there is some kind of rumor going around that humans who enter Aeston often end up becoming locked in a deal with a warlock or Witch. I'm not certain that the rumor is true but we should be careful just in case." Jimin explained, taking a swig of water. "Oh wonderful, something else to worry about while we're in a magical town." Yoongi muttered, cursing under his breath. "I don't think we'll have to worry about that, we have this guy." Taehyung patted Namjoon on the shoulder, "And we have this one." He said, motioning towards Hoseok. "Why would I be a deterrent for warlocks and wizards?" Hoseok quipped, "Because you are a Guardian Angel. Warlocks and Wizards won't bother you because of the strength and power you have. And they wouldn't mess with a Fallen Angel either, they would be too afraid of losing their souls to them." Namjoon explained, "You think we should be worried about someone approaching Elizabeth?" I asked, everyone looked at Elizabeth who was peacefully sleeping.

"No, not with Hoseok protecting her."

"Let's just hope we don't come across anymore golems or beasts. Frankly, I'm too tired to keep having to fight people."

"Me too."

The group kept walking until they reached a cliff overlooking a lively town square, everyone stared in awe at the colorful decorations and buildings surrounding the square. What was even more awe inspiring was the people, most of them were laughing and drinking. Having a great time together and everyone's mood was positive and free, it was very infectious. Colorful banners swayed in the breeze, music filled the air, and the smell of delicious food wafted from every corner. Children ran around gleefully, chasing each other with laughter echoing through the square. The townspeople were bustling about, each one adding their own unique flair to the atmosphere. A group of elderly ladies sat on a bench, knitting and gossiping with a twinkle in their eyes. A street performer juggled oranges, drawing a crowd with his lively antics. A pair of young lovers shared a cozy picnic on a blanket, lost in their own little world. Off to the left side of the court, there was a small stage where a trio of musicians played a lively tune on the corner, causing a few passersby to break into spontaneous dancing. A dog was chasing a pigeon around the fountain, while a street performer juggled fruit with impressive skill. There were a lot of merchant stands, people buying and bartering with one another. The lively atmosphere made Jin and I stare in awe, I had never seen such a lively bunch of people. There were different races gathered together, smiling as they talked and genuinely getting along with one another. Jimin smiled as he looked around, the lively atmosphere of the town seemed to put him in a very good mood. "Oh good lord," Taehyung frowned, the jovial atmosphere wasn't easy for him to watch. He wasn't used to this kind of atmosphere, sure, Dawnspire had it's parties and festivals but not like this.

"Good god, it's so..." Yoongi frowned.

"Happy here.." Taehyung finished.

"Why is that so wrong?" Jin looked back at Taehyung and Yoongi, both of them were wearing the same expression on their faces. To Hoseok and Namjoon, both found them seemed to find this amusing as they knew that these two were not the happy-go-lucky type. Even from first meeting Taehyung, I knew he wasn't the type to get overly excited about things like this. Yoongi also seemed like it would be hard to get him excited, though, I heard from Jimin that he gets very passionate about food when it's not cooked properly. Even Elizabeth, who was still sleeping felt at peace with the atmosphere surrounding her. She slightly shifted in her sleep, letting out a soft exhale as she snuggled closer to Hoseok. I thought it was cute to see her like this, her guard was completely down and she felt safe around us. "It's just so.. Weird. Not even Dawnspire gets this jovial around festival time." Taehyung crossed his arms, "You're seriously expecting us to stay in a town like this? With people that look so happy that you can't possibly say anything to offend them?" Yoongi clapped back, looking wary of the people around him. "Oh come on, Yoongi. Tae.. It's not that bad. You guys are just blowing this out of proportion." Jin waved his hand dismissively before looking to me, I hadn't paid too much to the conversation much after I saw a stall that interested me from across the way.

"What do you think, Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"I think I'll like this place." I smiled, looking at my brother.

"Alright then, it's voted so. We'll be staying for the night. First things first, we need to get a place to stay for the eight of us and then we can find something to eat. Something tells me, Elizabeth won't be awake for a while." Hoseok smiled. "Ugh...." Taehyung groaned, throwing his head back. He followed after us when we started walking away to find a hotel, "Oh come on, hyung. I think this place will warm up on you." I said, patting him on the shoulder.

"I doubt it..." Taehyung muttered.

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