Breaking Hexes & Passive Aggression

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Hoseok's pov

I let out a sigh, ruffling my hair as I shifted my eyes to Elizabeth. She hasn't woken up from the spell that Namjoon had cast and Jungkook was still carrying her, he seemed really protective of her. I silently berated myself for letting this happen, I need to protect her better than this. She doesn't deserve to always be attacked by someone or something, it isn't fair. "She still hasn't woken up from your spell, Namjoon. Why?" Jin looked at him, "The spell I casted was strong, right now, it's doing everything it can to protect Elizabeth's mind from going back to that daze she was locked in. She should be waking up in a few more minutes." He explained, "And if she doesn't, then what?" Jin furrowed his eyebrows, "Then that means there might be an underlying spell or hex that is in her system and the spell is fighting it off." He answered smoothly, I looked back over at Elizabeth who slightly stirred in Jungkook's arms. She seemed comfortable and not in any pain, which made me a little relieved. "Yoongi, I don't want you to get angry when I mention this.." Jimin started, "Then don't mention it." Yoongi snapped, I could tell he was still very much upset that I bought 'her' up. I was wrong for doing that but when he casted that spell, he broke a vow to her and I that he made long ago. I know he hasn't forgotten her, he just doesn't talk about her at all. I noticed that Yoongi has become more and more protective of Elizabeth as we have all traveled together, in some ways, she reminded me of 'her'. "Yoongi, I need to know what the hell you did to that Incubus. Why was Hoseok so angry about you using that spell?" Yoongi stopped walking, making Taehyung nearly bump into him. He turned on his heel, his face contorted in anger as he glared at Jimin. Jimin, however, didn't seem intimidated in the least. "Why do you want to know? I saved our asses by casting that spell. So what Hoseok is angry with me? We can always get over it. What I don't get is why a fairy, who hides his own wings, decided that he should stick his nose where it doesn't belong." Jimin glared darkly at Yoongi, he clenched his fists and for a moment, I felt somewhat intimidated by that look in Jimin's eyes. It seemed that Jimin's anger didn't just affect me, Jin and Taehyung looked slightly scared. Namjoon only watched and when I looked at Jungkook, he seemed the most frightened by his brother's expression. Yoongi and Jimin had an intimidating stare down, wanting to see who would give in first.

"You f-"

"Okay!!" Jungkook loudly interrupted, chuckling nervously. He stepped in between Yoongi and Jimin, "Why don't we just move on from the question at hand, hyung? It's not that important what he did, he saved Elizabeth and I. So.. We don't have to question how he did it. Let's just keep moving, right guys?" He turned to look at us, "Yeah." Jin answered, agreeing with Jungkook.

"Nah. If they're gonna fight, I wanna see it." Taehyung smirked, Yoongi glared at him and his smirk faded slightly as if he was somewhat intimidated by Yoongi's anger. "Taehyung," Namjoon started, "What? I'm just saying." He shrugged, "Taehyung." He said again, this time giving him a stern look. Taehyung raised his hands in mock defense and stepped away from the situation, sitting down on a nearby boulder.

During all of this Elizabeth was still not waking up, which got me thinking maybe there was something else needed to help her out. I moved from my spot, not saying a word and took a chance on using my powers to help heal Elizabeth. "Hoseok, what are you-" Yoongi hit Jin, telling him to be quiet as I stepped closer to Jungkook. He turned to me as I stopped, standing directly in between him and Jimin. I held out my hands over Elizabeth, feeling them warm slightly as the yellow glow appeared and brushed Elizabeth's hair out of her face. "Come on, Elizabeth. Come back to us." I whispered, "Wake up and let us see those beautiful green eyes you have." Elizabeth let out a slight whimper and shifted in Jungkook's arms. A smile appeared on my face when her eyes fluttered open, Jungkook's eyes widening with surprise. "Hobi?" She looked up at me, "Hey, it's nice to see your pretty eyes again." I said, "What? What happened?" She looked around, noticing that she was in Jungkook's arms. "We were attacked by an Incubus, lucky for us, Namjoon was able to use a spell to get you out of your daze before you fell for him completely. We're safe now." I explained, "Why is Jungkook carrying me?" She blushed, "You passed out and we needed to get out of there quickly. That Incubus was a total pain in the ass." Taehyung answered, "So you carried me?" She looked at Jungkook, "Yeah, I hope that wasn't in any way uncomfortable for you." He said, looking down at her.

"No, it isn't. But can you put me down now?"

"Yeah," Jungkook slowly let her onto her feet, once they touched the ground, Jungkook let her go. Elizabeth stood upright, stumbling slightly causing both Jungkook and I to steady her. "Are you okay?" Jimin asked, "Yeah, I just got a little dizzy. I'll be fine."

"I think you need to eat something. It's been a few hours since you last ate." Jin took the bag off of his back and dug around, pulling out a small sandwich that was wrapped in tinfoil. He handed it to Elizabeth, who took it from and gave him a small thanks. "What happened to the Incubus we came across? Is he still here in the cave?" She took a bite out of the sandwich, "Yeah, but don't worry about him. Yoongi made sure to take care of him so he wouldn't come after you or Jungkook." Jimin said, throwing shade at Yoongi. Yoongi gave Jimin a glare, Elizabeth looking back and forth between the two of them. I could tell that she knew they were angry with one another, "Did something happen that I should know about?" She asked.

"Yes," Jimin answered with no hesitation.

"No," Yoongi snapped, glaring at Jimin.

"Yes, there is."

"And I said there isn't." Yoongi stepped forward.

"And I say there is,"

"Okay guys," Jungkook pushed in between them again, separating the two from one another. "Why don't you guys just cool it and just stay out of each other's way? We don't really need another fight breaking out when we are already trying to keep on the defense while walking in this cave." Jungkook looked over his shoulder at Jimin, giving him a cheeky smile. There was something about that smile that seemed to light up the whole cave, in all honesty, he looked like a bunny. I guess seeing his smile put Elizabeth in a good mood, "Aww, Kook. You have a really cute smile! He looks like a bunny." A blush adorned Jungkook's cheeks as he kept smiling, Taehyung just chuckled as I smiled while Elizabeth smiled at Jungkook. "Aw, shucks. Thank you."

"Look at Kook, he's blushing." Jin teased, "No, I'm not." Jungkook denied. It seemed that Jimin couldn't stay mad cause he broke out into a smile, his eyes slightly disappearing as he started teasing Jungkook.

"Elizabeth, are you doing okay?" Namjoon asked, "Yeah, thanks to you guys."

"It was no problem," Namjoon gave her a smile.

"We should get moving soon." Yoongi started, "And we will. I think we all need some time to recuperate and eat." Jin said, "Here." He threw each of us a sandwich, I caught mine and took a seat on a nearby boulder. Elizabeth sat next to me, happily munching on some berries that Jin had tucked in his bag. I am going to do a better job at protecting Elizabeth from what's to come as we venture through this cave to get out.

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