Trouble Heading your way!

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Elizabeth's POV

As it got closer and closer to night time, my mind kept drifting off to Baekhyun. I decided now would be a good time to write him a letter, just so that I could tell him what was going on. So that's what did when we first got the place that Namjoon wanted to show us. I sat down, grabbed some paper and began writing a letter to him and to Sehun, once it was finished, I sent it off for delivery. Namjoon had taken us to a large brewery, called The Serene Stone Brewery, which had all kinds of spells books, magic tools and weapons, all kinds of potions and supplies for magic potions. As I roamed down the isles, I found myself getting lost in the millions of spell books and books about magical creatures, this place had so many more books and supplies than the Brewery shop that was back home. As I walked down the isle, I heard my name being called and turned around to come face to face with Hoseok who stood a foot away from me. "Hey," He smiled softly when he saw me, "Hey, what's up?" I walked over to him, wondering why he had called me. "I just came to check up on you... I know that the venom took a toll on your body and I just wanted to make sure that you are feeling okay." He said softly, brushing his hair out of his face. I gave him a small smile, "Thank you, Hobi. I'm doing better than I was earlier." I could tell that something was bothering him, the glint in his eyes showed me that he felt guilty. "Hobi, I can tell that something is bothering you. What's wrong?" I could tell that he needed to say something, "I feel guilty about not being able to fully heal you.. I am your Guardian Angel, I am supposed to be able to heal and protect you from everything that poses a threat to your wellbeing. But I.. I wasn't able to do that and I should have been. I shouldn't have had to rely on a vampire and a wizard to heal you, not when I'm your Guardian Angel." He rambled and as I stood there, I could see the guilt and anger towards himself in his eyes and it broke my heart. Hobi has been nothing but kind and generous to me, he's willing to lay his life on the line to keep me safe and that says a lot for someone who only met me a week ago. "A Guardian Angel who has a good relationship with their charge whether they are lovers, partners or best friends, will become stronger. Their power increases and they are able to do a lot more things than regular Guardian Angels.. I suppose that because I'm not as close to you as you are to Jimin, I just didn't have enough power to heal you which I should have. I'm sorry, I'm not strong enough-" I grabbed Hoseok's hands, intertwining our fingers together causing him to stop talking and look at me. Confusion and shock spread across his face, his hazel eyes meeting my green ones.

"Hobi, what happened in the woods is not your fault. When I started to feel sick, I got really scared. So I called on the one person I knew that could help me forget my fear and that person is you. Hobi, no matter how close I am with Jimin or the others, you are the one that can take my fear away. Just being around you makes me feel much more at ease, especially when traveling through the woods. You have to give yourself credit for the amazing things you've already done for me. You decided to let both a Vampire and Wizard help even when you didn't know them, you saved me from two Fallen Angels who were fighting over me. You saved Jimin and I when we were chased to the edge of the cliff by that golem which was sent by the Warlock.. And most of all, you decided to help me get my brother back no matter the cost to you." I moved my hands up, cupping the sides of his face as I stepped closer to him. Our eyes stayed on each others, focusing on the moment right now. "You think that your not strong enough to keep me safe but you are, Hobi. And we can work on being closer. You are my Guardian Angel after all, why wouldn't you become someone important to me?" I reached on my tippy toes, as he bent down to my level and I pressed a kiss to his cheek. He blushed lightly, as I took a step back and removed my hands from his face.

"You sure you're really human and not an Angel of some kind?" He joked, making me laugh.

"No, I'm human. With magical skills." I waved my hands as I summoned a small little firework. Hoseok just laughed at me, smiling as his feathers seemed to ruffle in amusement. "Are you ever able to put your wings away?" I asked, looking at his wings. "Oh, you mean like this?" He snapped his fingers, I looked on in awe as his Large white Angel wings disappeared. "Not all Angels can actually do this," He snapped his fingers again, his wings reappearing. "the only ones who can do this are Guardian Angels and of course, Fallen Angels. We both have the ability to hide our wings to blend in the crowd, for Guardian Angels, we usually do this for charges who live in heavily human populated areas that don't see a lot of magical beings." He explained, "That's so cool!" I exclaimed, my eyes lighting up in excitement. Hoseok chuckled at my reaction, ruffling my hair. Before I could scold him for doing that, I heard the faint sounds of screaming coming from outside the shop. Hoseok and I looked at one another, our smiles leaving our face as we heard more screaming. The building shook, causing me to stumble. Hoseok quickly reached out, grabbing my arm and pulled me into his chest as the building shook again. I could hear more screaming, things being broken and complete destruction outside.

"Hoseok!! Liz!!" Our heads snapped to the right down the isle, where we spotted Jimin. He looked very frazzled, it seemed that he might have known what was going on outside. "Thank god, you two are alright." He came over to us, the building shaking heavily again. Hoseok immediately pulled me close as small particles of dust and debris from the ceiling started to fall. The lights flickered for a moment, which doubled my nerves.

"What the hell is going on out there, Jimin?" Hoseok asked, his hand covered my head to keep debris from falling in my eyes. "Something's attacking the town and we don't know what it is just yet. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook are outside trying to stop whatever it is. Jin started evacuating people off the streets and nearby houses, he and Taehyung are trying to get the townspeople to safety." He explained, "We need to go now." Hoseok, Jimin and I started to run towards the entrance of the store but just before we reached the isle where the door was just in front of, the building shook heavily again. All three of us stumbled, Hoseok and Jimin both standing on either side of me, holding my arms to keep me from losing my footing. "Look out!!" Hoseok suddenly threw himself over Jimin and I, the three of us falling to the floor as a blast hit the store and caused a large explosion. Some debris hit me in the head, scratching up my face and arms pretty good as glass flew everywhere. I curled myself against Hoseok's chest, holding onto him tightly and heard creaking coming from nearby.

"What the-" Hoseok turned his head to the right, his body and wings still covering both Jimin and I, I looked over and my eyes widened as I saw a large bookshelf which stood about eight feet high came crashing down towards us. Jimin immediately held out his hand, shouting something and all I heard was the sound of his frantic voice and Hobi's as I lost consciousness.

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