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Elizabeth's pov

We had another day of walking to get to Wayver Woods, Yoongi decided we should start looking for a spot to camp for the night. It seemed that the Forest was coming alive as we entered evening, which made things a lot more difficult for us to deal with. I popped a few berries into my mouth, holding the container out to Hoseok who politely thanked me and took some. I held it out to Jimin, who gladly smiled at me and grabbed a handful. "How much stuff is in that damn bag?" Yoongi asked, looking back at me and he grabbed a couple of berries from my container. "A lot. It's a magical bag that my brother got one day during a huge festival, we've had this bag for a while. It was the best one I could take on the trip." I explained, "You said it's magical?" Jin quipped, peeking over my shoulder to get a look in the container. "Yeah, it is. I can basically put a bunch of stuff in here and the bag will never fill up nor will it become heavy." I held the container out to Jin, who seemed reluctant to take some. "It's alright," I popped a few more berries into my mouth, "You can have some." I gave him a small smile, "Are you sure? Won't you be angry if everyone finishes it off?" He asked, looking at Jimin's hand which had reached in to grab more. "No," I shook my head, gesturing for him to take some. "If she says it's fine, then it's fine. Just take some already." Yoongi complained, making Hoseok nudge him to which Yoongi only shoved his shoulder playfully. "Liz is not like a lot of other humans, you know? She won't get angry if you take her food if she's offering. She probably is the type to get angry if you don't take it when she offers." Hoseok stated, a bright smile gracing his lips as he looked at me. I chuckled, shaking my head as Jin finally took some berries. "Where'd you get these berries by the way? They taste really good." Hobi asked, popping a few more berries into his mouth. "I picked these up when Jimin and I restocked supplies and stayed in Mythbrook. They had really good food and fresh fruit, so I made sure to pack some for the trip." Jimin smiled, ruffling his bright orange hair which I found myself wanting to touch.

"You guys stayed in Mythbrook?!" Jin's eyes were blown wide with surprise and shock, "Yeah, we did." Jimin smiled, "How did you even find that place?" He quirked an eyebrow at us, "Well, Jimin was the one who told me about it. I had never been to Mythbrook before, so Jimin took me there to restock on supplies and sleep for the night." Everyone looked over at Jimin, "How did you know where it would be?" Yoongi questioned, turning his full attention onto Jimin. "I'm confused. Why is everyone acting like it's so hard to find this town? It wasn't too far from where Jimin and I had camped the night before."

"Mythbrook isn't a normal town, Liz. It's a magical town, full of magical items, people and buildings. Mythbrook is special because it never stays in one place, it's always moving to find a new place to go. So that they can meet new people and those people can enjoy the magic." Hobi explained, I turned to look at Jimin who smiled at me. "And you didn't think to tell me any of that while we were there?" I blinked, quirking an eyebrow at him as he just smiled cheekily at me. "Sorry, I guess that kinda slipped my mind." He rubbed the back of his neck, as I shook my head. Jin reached into the container, grabbing a few more berries. "Alright guys, follow me." Yoongi waved his hand, walking away which confused Jimin and Jin. Hobi and I followed after him with Jimin and Jin eventually following after us, "Please tell me we are not camping in another cave." I closed the container, placing it back in my bag. "No, the caves around these parts are dangerous." Yoongi shook his head, keeping his eyes forward as his silver hair blew in the wind. "More dangerous than the one where we found him?" Jimin pointed to Jin, who smacked his hand playfully. "Yes. Those caves have werewolves and possibly vampires. That's why we'll be camping here." Yoongi pushed his way through a brush of bushes, leading us into a small opening.

The area was surrounded by trees, there was a small river right beside the trees which outlined the area. The trees were extremely tall, blocking most of the sunlight which was shining through. "It's nice." Jimin looked around, as I chose to set up a spot near the river. The tree was to my left, I placed my bag down and sat down. "I'll check the area and make sure that we're safe." Yoongi walked off, "I'll go with him. Set up some charms around the area just to keep out unwanted guests." Jimin walked off with Yoongi, leaving me alone with Hobi and Jin. "So.." Jin started, looking over his shoulder to me. "How did you meet a Guardian Angel?" He took a seat beside me, his back leaning against the tree.

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