Letters & New Friends

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3rd person's pov

"A friend of a friend, what the hell does that even mean?" Sehun quipped, looking confused. Baekhyun looked cautiously between the two young men who were standing directly in front of them, Yeonjun dodged the golem's attack and sent it elsewhere away from homes that were being protected. He had noticed when they first arrived that there were barriers put up, he assumed that this the work of one of the two young men standing behind them. He had also noticed that they had been fighting this golem for a while. "It means that we are friends of Elizabeth." Both Baekhyun and Sehun were slightly relaxed when they heard that, "Are you apart of the group of friends she told us about in the letters?" Baekhyun asked, "Well, yes. And no." Yeonjun answered. "Huh?" Sehun quipped, he looked at Baekhyun who shrugged. "What does that even mean?!" He asked, sounding frustrated. "Everyone move!!" Yeonjun shouted. The four young men quickly moved away from their previous spot, dodging a huge magical blast which came from the golem they had been fighting. It flew in between the four, Sehun and Baekhyun on one side while Yeonjun and Taehyun landed to their left. They watched as the blast collided with a shop behind them and the building exploded, creating panic among the people who were hiding in the nearby shop. Seven people ran out of the neighboring building, screaming and panicking.

"No.. No. No,"

With a wave of his hand, Baekhyun lifted part of the barrier and opened it. "Hey!!" He called, catching the people's attention. "Go through there and get to our house on the outskirts of town!" The seven people nodded, rushing to get through the barrier. The golem growled in frustration and set his sights on a little girl, who was the last to run towards the open spot in the barrier. He hurled a large blast of magic towards the girl, Sehun noticing it right away. "No!!" Taehyun jumped in front of the girl, the blast colliding with Taehyun's bright yellow force field he had put up around him and the little girl. Baekhyun sighed in relief, realizing that Taehyun was a mage just like he was. Sehun turned towards the golem, gritting his teeth.

"You asshole!"

"Sehun, wait!"

Sehun charged headstrong towards the golem, deciding not to waste anymore time in taking it down. Baekhyun let out a frustrated sigh, notching an arrow to his bow. Taehyun looked over his shoulder at the little girl, relieved to see that she was unharmed. The people she had been with were waiting just outside the barrier, her mother in tears. Taehyun let down his force field and turned to the little girl, she looked up at him with her big brown eyes, terrified to death. "It's okay. You're safe now." He offered his hand to her, she hesitated for a moment. Looking back to Baekhyun and Sehun, she could see that the other guy was fighting alongside them. She shifted her eyes back to Taehyun, who held a kind smile and still had his hand offered to her. When she saw the kind look his eyes held, she knew that he wasn't someone bad. So she reached out and took his hand, Taehyun helped her to her feet and guided her over to the barrier. The young girl's mother cried out as Taehyun led the little girl to her mother, "Thank you, whoever you are." The mother cried, holding her daughter close to her. "It's no problem." Taehyun smiled, "Get out of here, get somewhere safe." She nodded and the people ran off, heading to Baekhyun's house. Yeonjun looked back at Taehyun, smirking when he realized that everything was fine and turned back to the fight. "Look, we'll explain everything when we finish off this thing." Yeonjun started, looking at Baekhyun. He could see that Baekhyun was still unsure about the two of them, especially because he wasn't human and Taehyun was another mage like Baekhyun. "How do I know I can trust the two of you? Because, I don't. And we don't have the greatest track record with random strangers coming into town." Baekhyun spoke, his eyes never leaving the golem. He was waiting for the perfect opportunity to fire off his arrow, "You don't." Yeonjun said, "But I promise you we didn't come here to hurt anyone. We came here to deliver those letters and when we saw the fire coming into town, Taehyun and I decided to help. After all, Elizabeth is the reason we are here. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I delivered those letters only to have her entire town destroyed because of that asshole warlock."

"You know about the warlock?" Sehun asked, sliding back into place beside his brother.

"Yes. We do." Taehyun spoke up, startling Sehun.

"Then you know that we have been dealing with that asshole for years. He sent this damn thing." Sehun stated.

"Yes, we do."

"That's why we're going to help you save your town and keep it protected." Taehyun said. Baekhyun's eyes slightly shifted away from the golem, who grew annoyed with the four young men. "Die!!" He raised his arm, sending a large wave of magical energy at them. Baekhyun immediately fired off three arrows, all of them ranging in different types of fire magic. Two arrows exploded as they neared the golem, knocking him back just slightly. The third getting further than the first two and managed to pierce into the golem's right shoulder. The impact of the exploding arrow embedding his shoulder caused the golem to fly back even more, he lost his footing.

"Sehun, now!"

Sehun swiftly charged ahead, ready to attack the golem and bring him down but a certain mage had other plans. Baekhyun conjured up more arrows, getting ready to notch one when he noticed that Taehyun was planning something. "Yeonjun, why don't you show them what you can do?" Taehyun quirked an eyebrow at the werewolf, who smiled excitedly. "If you say so," Yeonjun nodded his head, he then readied himself and charged forward at the golem. He shot past Sehun, who stumbled as he stopped running.

"What are you doing?!!" Sehun threw his arms up in the air.

"Showing you what I can do." Yeonjun kicked out his foot, hitting the golem square in the right shoulder. His foot pushing the arrow into golem's shoulder, the golem cried out in pain as Yeonjun didn't let up. He kicked off of his body, flipping backwards and landed in front of the golem. With swift movements Yeonjun dropped down low and swiftly kicked out his leg, sweeping it under the golem's. This caused the golem to lose his balance and once that happened, Yeonjun stood up straight and punched the golem with a hard right hook. The golem flew back having no time to recover and collided with the shack just a few feet away, he flew through the walls and hit the ground. The shack collapsing on top of the golem, Yeonjun smacked his hands together and looked back at Taehyun who smiled proudly at him. Baekhyun and Sehun stared in awe at Yeonjun's fast movements, "He's not human, is he?" Baekhyun looked at Taehyun, who shook his head.


"What is he? He isn't an elf or a vampire. Nor is he a fairy or mage like you." Sehun quipped.

"He's a werewolf.." Baekhyun figured, looking out at Yeonjun who was now walking towards them.

"Yes. Yes, he is. A very powerful one at that."

"Well shit...." Sehun sighed. The golem pushed himself from under the rubble of the shack, growling in anger as he rose to his feet. Sehun noticed this but the others didn't, since they were distracted the golem went right after Yeonjun. He shot off a powerful blast, causing Sehun to panic and run forward. "Sehun, what are you-" Baekhyun's eyes widened as he saw the blast headed for Yeonjun, Taehyun noticing it as well. "Yeonjun, look out!!" Yeonjun turned his head, his eyes widening as he saw the blast getting closer and closer. He knew there was no time for him to dodge the move so he braced himself for the impact but it never came, when he looked up, he noticed that Sehun was in front of him. Sehun's sword aimed in front of him as he swung down and released a large blast of his own, the attacks colliding with one another and exploding on impact sending a shockwave through the area.

"Thanks," Yeonjun breathed out.

"No problem, you should really watch your back more often." Sehun taunted, Yeonjun only chuckled and shook his head in response while Baekhyun and Taehyun let out a sigh of relief.

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