Chapter 2

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Wilbur POV:

I walked away from the gates of L'manberg, Seeing the flag waving above on the flag pole. Just then from a distance..

I saw a body..

I quickly ran over, a female lay on the ground knocked out cold, blood streaming out of her neck and he knee caps bleeding. 

I wasn't sure what to do, I picked up her body and carried her back to l'manberg. 

I pushed the gate open with my foot, being careful not to accidentally drop her body. 

As i closed the gate, I saw Fundy turn around, His fox ears twitching. 

Fundy: What happened? 

I wasn't sure what to say, I wasn't really sure what happened to the girl.

Wilbur: I'm not sure, i found her laying under a tree unconscious.

As Fundy hurried to the dru- Medical Van I followed.

He stitched up to wound as I wrapped a bandage around it.

We exited the van to let her rest.


I woke up, blurry vision.. I was laying in a small cot.

As I sat up i saw people approaching the van, I froze in fear.

There was a tall man standing in front of everyone else, He had messy, curly hair and wore a beanie. The smaller boy in front of him had blond hair and blue eyes. There was another boy with Messy, brown hair. The one standing in the back had fox ears and stood next to a man with brown hair.

I was pretty sure the one with fox ears was a furry..

"You should be resting, your in pretty bad shape.." The man with the beanie said.

He put his hands on my shoulders and laid me back down.

"W-where am i.." 

"Who are you.." I said. 

"Well i'm Wilbur.." The tall man said. 

"The blond haired boy, That"s Tommy."

He pointed at the shorter brown headed boy

"That"s Tubbo" 

"And that"s Eret and the one with fox ears, That"s Fundy"

He told me all their names. 

As I looked down at their clothing they all had matching uniforms.

Where am i.. I thought to myself.

"Well we will let you rest, see you in the morning!"

Wilbur said walking off with everybody else.

WiLLy boY.


Ok well i was very proud of this chapter 

Bye <3

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