Chapter 20

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Dreamy boi POV: 

I eventually walked back to the house as the sun began to set.

I was walking by myself bow in hand, just in case I were to run into any mobs since it was getting dark.


As I walked, there was no noise.

I began to here rustling from behind me, I jolt, turning around quickly nearly losing my balance. I held the bow out scanning my surroundings. 

"Dream." I heard a taunting voice say.

I said nothing in response. Suddenly Wilbur and Tommy stepped out from the woods.

"Long time no see Bitch." Tommy says.

I think I was finally beginning to see where Y/N gets her attitude from. 

"What the hell do you 2 want?" I questioned.

"We want Y/N back, Dream."

"Hmm.. I'm afraid I can't do that for you, Wilbur."

"And whys that?" Tommy says.

"Shes perfectly happy with me." I respond.


Tommy mumbled under his breath.

"Well Dream, If shes so happy, why'd you beat the shit out of her and than not seem to give a fuck?" Wilbur says rolling his eyes.

"H-how do you know that.." I ask.

"World travels fast, Dream." Wilbur says tauntingly.

"W-whatever, Fuck off." I said walking away.

"Oh yeah, Dream.."

"How was that kiss~?"

I turn around and shot him a glare.

"Your never getting Y/N back, Ever."

I said walking away.


I heard the front door finally open.

Dream was home.

"Dream!" I said with a smile.

"H-hey Y/N.." He said pulling me into a hug.

"What took you so long, You were gone for hours?" I mumbled into his chest.

"Nothing, just dealing with business.." He said.

"Dreammm~? I asked playfully

"Hm?" He hummed.

"Could I go visit Wilbur and Tommy soon.. Please?" I asked. 

He jolted around.

"NO!" He yelled.

Fear slightly filled my face.

"I mean..- Not yet princess.." I said softly.

"K." I said.

He never gave me any chance to see them, and George or Sapnap would never take me. I get I'm technically not supposed to be socializing with them, but they were my first friends here..

I walked upstairs back to my room, Sapnap was sitting on my bed.

"Hey, Need something?" I asked blinking.

"Nope, I just wanted to talk to you some more" He said smiling.

"Mhm." I responded.

"Y/N." He asked. 


"Is there anything going on between you and Dream" He asked out of the blue. 

"Nothing really, Why are you asking?" I questioned

"Just curious." 


Why was Sapnap so interested in that?

I just wish I was back in L'manberg With Wilbur.

Bro Tara told me she punched a whole in her wall :_D

Idk what shes on atm-

bye tho lol  


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