Chapter 26

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2 weeks time skip :D (Sorry)


I've been in the prison for a couple weeks now,and its been nothing but an absolute living hell. If I did something wrong, or yelled at  Shlatt he'd put me threw miserable pain, one I truly couldn't escape this time.

I awoke from a banging on my cell, There stood Shlatt in front of my cell.

"What do you want now Shlatt.. was tearing down the walls not enough for you?" I spat walking closer to the cell do keeping us apart. 

He shot a glare at me, a cold heartless glare.

"What gives you the right to speak to me like that? you bitch." He yelled. God this man was so loud I might as well go deaf. 

"I don't know, as well as I'm aware I have no rights." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Well.. Anyways. I'm throwing a festival. To celebrate my presidential arrival." He said with a chuckle. 

"And.. I'm willing to take you to the festival, If you can properly behave and not act like so deranged animal." He said.

Was he really calling me an animal? Doesn't this man have a rams horns sitting on the top of his head. 

"Ok, I won't act like a 'animal' " . I agreed, it felt like I just made a deal with the fucking devil.

    He tossed me a pile of clothes.

"Change." He demanded. 

"Ok, leave at least please.." I mumbled.

He nodded and walked away from my cell. The outfit wasn't to bad at least he had some form of style. It was a green over sized sweater and a pair of black jeans, this was honestly more my style. 

A/N: If you don't like this outfit, you can act like your wearing something according to your style :]

Hours later, Quackity had arrived at my cell. He slowly opened the cell door as I stood up. He didn't make any eye contact with me.. Was he scared of me or something? 

We walked out of the prison and arrived to the area where the festival was being hosted. There were quite a few people there, and a few unfamiliar faces.. I guess Shlatt being president brought new citizens. 

"Y/N!" I heard Niki scream, I turned around and jumped into her arms. I was beyond happy to see my friends after being locked up.

She looked up and down and me, thank goodness my bruises form Shlatt were hidden at the time.

"Are you.. Ok?" She questioned breaking the silence.

"Me-? Oh.. i'm fine!" I said faking a smile, Niki was one of my best friends but I didn't want to tell her all the shitty things Shlatt has done to me. 

"Y/N, Please don't lie to me." She said with a frown.

"I'm not lying." I said.

She nodded and began walking, I followed behind her. We said hello to a couple of civilians but none of them were familiar faces.

Soon we found the ran into Tubbo.

"Tubbo!" I yelled pulling into a hug.

"Hello Y/N." He said blankly.

"Tubbo are you ok?" I questioned.

"I'm fine." He responded.

This wasn't the same bubbly Tubbo i've known since day one.. This was a whole different person, a soulless person.  Shlatt broke him, it had to be him who changed the Tubbo I used to know.

Soon shlatt had walked onto the stage, and began talking. He gave some shitty speech that I didn't bother listening to. Than, He called Tubbo onto the stage with him.

"Tubbo, My right hand man.. Come up to the stage with me!" 

Tubbo listened and walked up onto the stage standing with Shlatt.

"Tubbo. You know you've done very well as my right hand man.. you listend to everything i've said and told you to do." He said smirking.

"But.. I found out you've been speaking with somebody. Somebody that is not allowed in l'manberg. Is that true tubbo?" He asked.

"No- What.. What do you mean." Tubbo said, A fearful look on his face.

"Ha.. 'what do you mean'. Tubbo you know exactly what I mean." Shlatt said raising his voice.

He began to place blocks around tubbo, and put a fence in front of him.

"Technoblade could you come to the stage, please." Shlatt spoke.

A pig man stood up from his seat and pulled out a crossbow standing directly in front of tubbo. Shlatt than spoke again.

"Shoot him." Shlatt said coldy.

"Wha- what?" The pig man questioned.

"FUCKING SHOOT HIM TECHNOBLADE." Shllat said raising his voice.

Technoblade stood there for a moment.

"Shoot the fucking traitor." Shlatt spoke.

Technoblade pulled out his crossbow, aiming it directly at tubbo. 

"Shoot him, TECHNOBLADE DO IT!" Shlatt than yelled.

Technoblade pulled back his bow, and took the shot.. that was it, sparks from the firework flew up into the air. Tubbo was officially gone. There were horrid screams, and some cheers. But I was on the ground crying I've lost another friend all because of Shlatt.

Ok ik some things aren't correct or don't follow the l'manberg story line but yk.. i'm just gon write the story still :D

Hope u enjoyed bitches <3

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