Chapter 13

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I woke up on the Couch, my back was in pain, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try and fight Tommy.

I look over to see Dream sitting in the chair across from me asleep, I didn't know he really cared this much for me.

I tried to stand up, It didn't go so well. I fell landing on my back. Dream immediately woke up.

"Fuck.." I mumbled.

"The hell, Are you ok!?" He asked frowning.

"I'm fine." I said in response with a plastered smile on my face

"Y/N Your lying to me." He said helping me up.

"I'm not I swear." I said 

"Mhm." He nodded his head.

I sat back down on the couch twiddling my thumbs.

"Dream.." I asked softly.

"Why do you seem to care about me now?" 

He chuckled. 

"You actually think i care about.. You?" He asked smirking.

"Well you've been helping me and you've been nicer so i thought-" He cut me off.

"Your just a pawn Y/N." He said a smirk still on his face.

"A pawn?" I asked

"Your just a pawn, so I can get close to your friends a blow up that shitty nation once and for all." He said in the most evil way possible.

"Y-your joking right..?" I scoffed.

"Does it look like i'm joking bitch?" He said cocking his head

No. I was sure he was serious i should've seen this coming, Dream is the the type of preson to do exactly this. 

Paint himself as the good guy, Make you think he cares and then use in his plan to get whatever he desires.

I was tempted to slap him and run out of this hell house, but i knew i couldn't he might shoot another arrow at me or put a sword right threw my spine.

"Awe.. Is princess silent" He said frowning.

"Go fuck yourself.." I mumbled.

"I couldn't hear you could you speak up.." He said 

"GO FUCK YOURSELF DREAM!" I said raising my voice.

This chapter is chefs kiss

btw i got fucking tommyinnit merch

ty mother i love you

Chapter written by both syd and tara btw <3 

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