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Ok, I said it a lot, I know. But things in my life are really becoming stressful right now. I have my final exams next week debating if i move to the next year. I really try to balance my hobbies, like writing wattpad mostly and school. But near the end of the year its becoming quite difficult.. It's hard for me to come home and 4:30 PM basically and go into my room and sit in front of my laptop for a certain amount of hours. Mostly I'm sitting in my room writing these wattpad chapters until like 3 AM. And now that i'm trying to get my life together, its hard for me to just sit in front of an electronic. Its coming down to the point where im thinking about ending this story if i'm honest, now I don't want to end the story because i've had such an enjoyable time writing this story, because at first it started off as a joke and now i've honestly grown so much and so has the story, and really ill say i'm proud of myself.

Now i'm not thinking to end the story just because of school, a lot of things have gone down between me and Sydney. It's had a very emotional impact on my because me and sydney are so very close, but at this point it feels like we are barley friends anymore. I used to always have share small hugs with her and have conversations with her, but those aren't happening anymore currently. I've cried for hours over her if im honest and i really just don't want a friendship i adore to end. 

Im still thinking about ending it.

Cried while writing this if im honest 

ttyl. <3

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