Chapter 9

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I've been sitting in my room for the past hour screaming and crying, I'd really lost my best friend this time. I could hear Dream and Sapnap down stairs screaming about me. At this point I never want to speak to dream ever again he fucked up my life.

A few moments  later I hear a knock on my door, the knob begins turning. I swear to god if Dream is standing in that doorway i'm going murder him or somebody.

I turn around to see Sapnap standing in the door frame. 

"What..?" I say.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Do I look okay? No, Dream just ended my friendship with my best friend so no.. I'm not okay. I say, Tears still streaming down my face.

I stood up and sat on my bed, Sapnap walks over to me and sat on the bed with me. He pulls me into a hug.

"Shh.. Your fine." He said softly.

As i was hugging him I see dream standing in the Doorway. I pull out of the hug immediately.

Sapnap turns around to see dream standing there, Pissed off.

"Sapnap, The hell is wrong with you I didn't bring her here so you could baby her and treat her like shes your fucking girlfriend." Dream said harshly.

"Well i'm sorry I tried to fucking comfort her because you had to be such an asshole and lie to Tommy just to fuck up her life." Sapnap says standing up and walking over to Dream. 

Y'know the 2 of them bickering  over a girl was starting to get really annoying so I stood up and pushed both of them out of the doorway slamming the door with a smile.

I could here the 2 of them still screaming, I thought this was the perfect time to make my escape. 

I began going threw chests looking for rope, as soon as i found it I opened the small window next to my bed.

I put the rope down the wall and began sliding down it, finally I've escaped this hell hole. As soon as a reached the ground I thought I had a good landing until falling into a bush.

I made a loud bang from outside so I assumed they heard me since they'd stopped screaming. I got up and ran for it, I turned around to see dream standing in the Frame of the front door holding a bow. 

He shot an arrow but missed, I was finally free!



ILY GUYS <33 ty for 40 reads btw

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