Chapter 27

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I awoke back in the prison, laying on the cold cobblestone floor, in complete silence. My eyes hurt like hell from all the tears i'd shed. I just couldn't get over the fact Shlatt had the nerve to shoot tubbo.. But why wouldn't he? After all hes a cruel man in general, I hope he rots in the infernal pits of hell. 

Perfect, now he was banging on my cell door. I look up.. It wasn't Shlatt. 

It was Dream. 

I had to process it all, what was he doing back here?, did he not understand I never wanted to see him again.. Well I thought I never wanted to see him again but staring at that white mask it made me feel beyond happy to see him. 

"D-dream?" I mumbled softly.

"Miss me, princess?" He said running his hands threw his dirty blond hair. My cheeks were flushed with red and pink. Hearing his voice was everything, I hid my face in my sleeves of the sweater i'd been wearing since the festival. 

"Awe.. you did miss me.." He said, with a smirk even if I couldn't see it I knew he had a clean smirk painted on his face.

"Ok.. What if i did?" I said. He didn't reply.

"Well besides that, what the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I said walking to the cell door, my face meeting the mask.

"Well princess, I'm breaking you out my love." He said.

"And how might you do that?" I asked. He lifted a pair of keys from a pocket in the suit he was wearing. 

"Why my love, with these." He said, my face was shocked.

"Wh-what how?" I questioned.

"Don't worry, Shlatt didn't have them, that Quackity guy did.. It was a pretty easy mission, he is weak as hell." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Well, open the god damn door if you would." I demanded.

"I'm hurrying mi amor!" He yelled in a whisper, turing the keys into the lock hole. The door than flung open, Dream caught the door before it made a loud bang against the wall.

"Ladies first, my love."  I scoffed and rolled my eyes running threw the prison, I was free! Dream ran behind me and than beside me.

"Not even a thank you?" I stopped him and put my hands around him pulling him towards me as he toppled over me.

"Thank you, Mi amor." I said back.

"So, you do love me?" He said.

"Maybe I do, Maybe I don't." I replied.

"Should I be hurt?" He said as he began walking and picking up the pace, I ran behind him.

"Yes, you should." I said taking my hand in his. It was just like old times when I lived with Dream, I was feeling happy again for once. We ran out of the prison, our hands still in each others and our fingers interlocking. We ran, And we ran far.. far away from that prison.

"Dream?" I asked stopping in my tracks. 

"Yes?" He said walking back towards me.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, for once mi amor." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I haven't spoken to Sapnap or George since you went to the prison.. so we can't just show up and the house." He said frowning. 

"But I promise, I find a perfect house for us mi amor and we can be happy together like old times, I swear." He said hugging me.

"If you promise." I muffled into his chest.

"I do my love, I do" He said planting a small kiss on my forehead. God, I seriously missed his small kisses while being locked up. My feelings for Dream were returning and this time I think these feelings are going to be good feelings.

"Well, come on love, we have to keep moving." He said running forward.

"Awe, Ok." I said running after him. We ran for hours threw forest and threw small villages, we most certainly were not in 'manberg anymore.

My legs were starting to ache, it felt like I couldn't walk any longer, my body just collapsed in the middle of the forest. 

"Y/N!" Dream yelled, rushing over to me. 

"Y/n, Are you that tired my love?" I didn't respond, instead dream scooped me up and carried me threw out the woods. I looked up and him, batting my eyelashes as my eyes fell heavy. I was exhausted, I fell asleep in Dream arms. 

IM BACK <333333 



-The bi mushroom ^^

7:08 PM. 

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