Chapter 14

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I was beyond pissed, that I stood up no matter how much pain I was in and walked up stairs slamming the door to the room i was staying in.

I thought to myself.. I'm leaving once and for all, I've attempted so many times to leave this place that Today i'd finally escape. 

I'd escape and be free with Wilbur, Make it up to Tommy and never have to see dream or his friends ever again.

I used the same plan as last time grabbed some rope, opened the window and slid the rope down the wall. 

I slid down the rope carefully making sure not to fall again and get caught.

When i landed I hit the ground softly..

I was free!
I ran for dear life once again, I didn't stop.

I ran for what seemed like hours until in a view I saw the walls of L'manberg, I prayed hoping that Wilbur was there.

As I got closer to the walls I saw Fundy, He pulled out his sword I assumed he thought I was a stranger.

"Fundy!" I yelled.

His facial expression was shocked.

"Y/N!?" He said with a bright smile on his face.

I ran to him giving him a large hug, He hugged me back. 

"What- How are you here?" He said sounding confused.

"Did dream let you go!?" He asked.

"Nope, I ran away" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Is Wil here?" I asked him.

"Yep he should be inside talking to Tommy!" He said opening the gate for me.

Since Tommy was there I could make it up to him finally!

I knocked on the door lightly and Wilbur opened it.

"Y/N..!?" He said shocked, his mouth hanging open.

"The one and only!" I said pulling him into a hug.

Tommy stood behind him

"Tommy." I said.

"Y/N.. I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything I said to you or to stab you and worst of all i'm sorry i believed Dream over you." He said all at once.

"Tommy its fine, I forgive you!" I said smiling.

As I sat on the couch Niki walked into the house.

"Niki!" I said giving her a hug.

"Y/N! Welcome back, Hows your back by the way?" She asked

"Not fully healed but better!" I said in response. 

Just then we all heard Fundy screaming Wilbur's name over and over.

Wilbur and Tommy both ran outside.

Me and Niki looked out the Window, There stood Dream, Sapnap and George.

They managed to find me fast.

"Down here!" Niki whispered opening a Trap door, Inside was Tubbo. 

"Y/N?" Tubbo said excitedly.

"Shh.." Me and Niki said 

Niki splashed an Invisibility potion on all of us making sure we were hidden.

Just then Dream and His friends came barging in the house, They searched until they found the trap door under the rug.

They all made there way down, Wilbur and Fundy followed. 

Dream walked around nearly bumping into me but i moved swiftly.

"Shes not here.." Dream said.

"I told you she wasn't." Wilbur responded.

They'd all walked out the trap door and shut the front door to the house.

As the potion wore off Me, Niki and Tubbo looked out the window as we saw Dream and his friends leave. 

Yes, I was free!

Chapter Written by Syd <3

hope u guys have enjoyed me and Tara's writing so far.


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