Chapter 6

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As Dream pulled out his bow and arrow i stepped out from behind Wilbur, his hand in mine.

As I stood next to Wilbur I saw a smirk appear on Dreams face. My faced was beyond pisssed.. What the hell is he smiling about? I thought to myself. 

As Tommy lifted his sword he ran towards dream, He swung his sword in front of Dream and missed horribly. Dream pulled back his bow missing his first shot. Tommy let out a small laugh think he had the advantage since Dream missed.

He thought to soon. Dream was to quick and already loaded his bow once again firing another shot hitting Tommy directly in the shoulder.

Tommy let out a shriek gripping his shoulder in pain.

"Tommy don't you know you'll never win?"

The look on Tommy's face was angry as tears ran down his face. Wilbur and Fundy ran off to Tommy making sure he was ok.

I stood by myself, suddenly then Dream approached me. I looked up at his mask in fear.

"Awe whats wrong, scared?" He said with a smile.

He put his hand under my chin, forcing me to once again look at him and his mask.

Wilbur turned around no longer paying attention to Tommy and ran over to me and Dream. 

"Dream leave her be.." Wilbur said coldly.

"Mmm.. I think ill be taking her with me instead." He said smirking at Wilbur.

"No." Wilbur responded. 

"Ok well either I take her with me or, I blow this shit hole up."

Before Wilbur could say anything I interrupted them.

"Wil.. let him take me." I responded 

"But-" He said allowing me to cut him off once again.

"Wilbur!" I said getting annoyed.

"Fine." Wilbur mumbled, I could tell he wasn't happy with my choice but I didn't want any harm to come to L'manberg or Wilbur. 

"Ok so its settled." Dream said pulling my arm. 

We walked out of the walls of L'manberg, for possibly the last time.

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