Chapter 3

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When i woke up the next day Wilbur was sitting in the Van, I assume he was waiting for me to wake up. 

I lifted up my body slowly and cocked my head at Wilbur. 

"Oh you're awake!" he said with a smile.

"Uh, yeah.." i responded confused.

He took my hand, helping me stand up. My legs still felt like jello but at least i could walk now.

As we walked out the van together i looked around at the small village. He led me into a smaller house then spoke.

"This is where you'll be staying.. if that's alright  with with you." he said softy.

"That's fine!" I said with a large smile.

As i finshed speaking Tommy burst in threw the door.

"Wilbur!" Its dream.. he-"

Wilbur and Tommy ran out the door, Wilbur taking his hand in mine.

We walked to the walls of the village. 3 men stood in front of the walls.

One had a Blue shirt, Jeans and a pair of circular glasses on his head. The other had a long sleeved shirt, black pants and a bandanna around his head.

The one standing in front witch i assumed to be there leader stood in front. 

He had a green sweatshirt a pair of jeans and a white mask with a smile painted on it, witch was covering is face.

"Wilbur." the man with the mask said. his voice sounded familiar..

"Dream." Wilbur said calmly.

"I assume you know why i'm here"

"Dream we've told you multiple times, we still do not surrender.    

Wilbur said, his tone changing.

I wasn't sure what they meant but i just stood there behind Eret. 

Dream cocked his head getting a good look at me.

"Well.. what do we have here..?"

I froze in fear not knowing what to say.

"Dream.. Leave her be."
Wilbur's tone became harsh.

Dream approached me slowly putting a hand under my chin forcing me to look at him.

I saw a grin under his white mask as he walked away.

"Now Wilbur, if i don't see white flags by the next 4 dawns i will not hesitate to blow this little shitty village of yours up." Dream spat. 

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT.. YOU BITCH-" Tommy said, being cut off by Eret putting a hand over his mouth. 

"Bye for now Wilbur" Dream said tauntingly walking off.

I could see the fear and anger in Wilbur's eyes. 

What is going to happen?

 i thought to myself.


Sorry bout not posting for 2 days :))

Im back now tho lol 

Eat sum food pls <3

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