Chapter 12

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Me and Niki walked threw the woods telling each other about ourselves.

"Wait.. So Dream pretty much took you from L'manberg and now you live with him, Am I correct?" Niki asked.

"Correct you are" I said in response.

"Well, Whats it like living with Dream and his side men?" She asked

"I mean its not to bad.. Unless you try to escape and they shoot you with a fucking arrow." I said

"What!?" She said looking concered.

"Its-.. Its a long story.." I said

Just as we were walking I could here screaming from up ahead.

I ran towards the screams, Niki followed.

We saw Tommy and some Guy with a Beanie attempting to fight eachother.

I slowly pulled out my sword. Niki looked at me like I was crazy, witch i surely was currently.

"Gentlemen" I said.

"Y/N..?" Tommy said softly.

"Correct." I said 

He lowered his sword and so did the other guy.

"What the hell are you doing here.. you traitor.." Tommy yelled swinging his sword at me. I blocked his sword with mine.

Just then I heard dreams voice.

"Y/N!" He yelled. 

I turned around paying attention to dream allowing Tommy to strike me in the back with his sword.

I let out of streak as blood soaked into my White T-shirt.

I fell to the ground.

Dream ran over pulling out his sword, He was beyond pissed.

"Tommy.. you fucking asshole!" Dream shouted.

Niki ran over to me, helping me up as Wilbur ran over with bandages. 

I could hear Dreams sword repeatedly clashing with Tommys.

"Dream Stop!" I shouted.


Dream lowered his sword to turn around and look at me. 

He frowned.

"We're leaving, get up Y/N." 

I attemted to stand up, It hurt like hell. 

Dream picked me up. 

"Ill carry you back if I have to." He said walking out of the woods with me.

He turned around one last time 

"Oh and Tommy, Fuck you." Dream said smirking. 

I fell asleep on Dreams back on the way home. When we arrived home he sat me on the couch in the living room.

Sapnap and George finally came home as well.

"What the hell happened to her?" They both asked.

"Tommy happened." Dream said grabbing more bandages. 

He wrapped the bandages carefully trying not to hurt me. 

"Better now princess?" He asked.

"Mhm." I mumbled.



ily guys <3

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