Chapter 10

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I ran for my life, I never wanted to see that house or any of those people ever again. I ran for what seemed like hours until the sun began setting. I knew I couldn't run all night so I found a tree that seemed to offer enough shade. I sat right at the trees trunk and quickly fell asleep. 

I was awoken by a ray of sun shinning on my face, as I stood up I heard voices. 

"C'mon George she went this way I swear!" I hear Sapnap say.

Crap.. They found me that easily. I thought to myself, How the hell am I gonna get out of this one. 

I had no weapons on me so i picked up a few sticks, and crafted a Wooden sword  out of nearby wood. And sooner then later they spotted me.

"Y/N!" George screams.

"Don't take another fucking step near me.." I say sharply.

Just then Dream approaches  from behind the shadow of a few trees.

"Y/N, you really thought you'd get away that easily.. Didn't you?" He said with a smirk forming.


He cuts me off.

"You do know your never going to be able to win with a Wooden Sword..Right?" He says letting out a small chuckle.

I knew I couldn't win, I just needed to turn around and run for my fucking life.

I turned around and started running, running faster than I ever have before.

I turn around to see Dream pulling out his Bow, He really thought that would work again?

Dream pulls back the bow, shooting the arrow and making a perfect shot into my spine. I screamed in pain, I didn't think he'd pull that off.

Soon after the bow hit my back, everything went black.



sorry btw just woke up from a nap lolz 

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