Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning, my body still an extreme aching pain.

I rolled over on to my stomach witch probably wasn't the best idea because it just put my body threw even more pain. 

I heard a slight knock on my door as it opened.

"Hey.." I heard dreams voice say.

I didn't bother to look at him, I was still extremely angry at him for the other day.

I heard his footsteps approach the bed I was laying in.

"Y'know Princess.. you can't just ignore me forever." He said softly.

"Look I know your mad because of the amount of pain I put you threw but I'm here to apologize I swear." 

Ha.. Him apologize? As if he would ever do that.

I sat up and stared right at that hideous mask looking right back at me.

"Dream. I've gotten to know you well enough, from the amount of times you've kidnapped me and hurt me.. your not one to ever apologize for shit." I scoffed.


"Fuck off Dream. Anything you say to me, it will never matter to me. You can try to make me forgive you and you can say sorry all you want, but i'm sick of you." I said with no expression.

He was speechless for a few moments.

"You can say whatever you want to me. It doesn't hurt me Y/N. I just really want you to know i'm sorry I sent you threw all that pain, I really am this time." Dream said putting my hand in his.

"Your really sorry..?" I asked glaring at him.

"I really am this time princess."

He pulled me into a hug, that hug made me feel all warm inside.. I didn't want to pull out of this hug.

I knew I said I wouldn't forgive him for what he did. But those words he said.. they were so promising, I hope hes telling the truth this time, really.

Dream soon pulled out the hug.

He look me in the eyes threw his mask, we sat in silence I waited for him to say something. 


I looked at him.

"Y/N I-" 

I cut him off with a kiss.

I couldn't help myself the moment just felt.


I like this chapter for once :D

Ily u guys to 

Written by Tara <3 :))

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