Chapter 19

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Dream pulled away, he stared at me.

"Wh-what was that for..?" He mumbled.

"I'm not sure, It just felt like the perfect moment.. I guess." I replied.

"Mhm." He said standing up.

"I'll be back later Y/N." He said walking out my room closing  the door. 

As hours pass I thought about that kiss.. The more I thought about the more I began to regret kissing that man. He ruined me life, Took me from my friends and the real man I was beginning to really love. 

Dream POV: 

When I left the room, I was confused why did she kiss me. After all I did to her, I've made her life a living hell.. And i still don't feel bad for it.

"Why did you ever kiss me?"

I walked around the forest, not paying attention to anything, the only thing on my mind if I'm honest was Y/N. 

Her Eyes.

Her Hair.

Her Smile.

Was I really falling in love with Y/N? No I can't be. Shes just a plot, A plot to get to Wilbur and take over this Nation. Because once I take over L'manberg.. I'll end Y/N's life. There will be no more Wilbur or Y/N or anybody. 

I will rule the world.

Once and for all.

Dreams Plot is here :D

Btw i put lyrics from "Heather" cus I felt like it :))

-Luv tarabite <33

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