Chapter 8

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As I got out of the small bed Dream was leaning up against the wall.

"Uh- Do you have clothing?" I asked.

"Oh- um yeah" He said opening a couple chest around the room.

I took the clothing from him, as he walked out of the room.

I put on the pair of Black Jeans and the White Crew neck.

Dream opened the door and signaled me to follow him. I walked down the stairs behind him as he opened the front door.

He took my arm, I assumed making sure I didn't run off.. But he didn't even give me the chance. We continued walking until we got to the top of a hill. From the top I could see L'manberg from here.

I sat there, I didn't know what to say to him so we just sat in silence.  

"Well, do you like the view princess?"  He said 

"Is this really what you wanted me to see.. The place you took me from you cold hearted bitch." I scoffed.

He turned to me, his mask staring dead into my soul.

"Why are you always so bitchy.." He said.

"Hmm.. Maybe because you took me from the place I was actually happy in!" I yelled standing up from sitting in the grass.

He stood up taking out his sword.

 "Yell at me one more time Bitch, I dare you and I wont hesitate to slit your fucking throat." He said coldly.

I didn't know how to respond to that, I wasn't sure if he was bluffing or if he was really serious. 

"Come on we're leaving." He said readjusting  the strings on his mask.

As we were walking we heard branches snapping, Dream lifted his sword. As I stood beside dream he put his arm in front of me as a figure approached from the woods.

"Tommy!" I said, my expression changed at the sight of him.

"Y/N!?" He said approaching me, Dream lifted his sword and placed it in front of Tommy.

"Dude, The hell?" Tommy said angrily.

"No" Dream said smirking.

"Really?" I said a frown forming on my face. 

"Fuck off Dream, I'm just trying to hug my friend!" Tommy yelled

"Is she really your so called friend Tommy, I mean she left your side for mine.. Do you really call that a friend?" Dream said with a grin on his face.

"Tommy I-"

He really was manipulating Tommy into thinking I left to join dream side.. Tommy wouldn't believe him right?" 

"Y'know your right.. Y/N I thought you really were my friend." Tommy said.

"Tommy you were there right, you know damn well that's not what happened.. please Tommy." I said, A tear running down my face. 

"Fuck off Y/N, don't bother speaking to me again" He said turning to walk the opposite  way of me and Dream.

As Tommy walked away, Dream took my hand to continue walking.

Tears were rolling down my face, why did Tommy think Dream was telling the truth..?

"Awe is the Princess crying?" Dream said frowning.

I didn't answer, as a matter a fact I removed his hand from my arm and walked in front of Him.

As we got back to the house, he opened the door for me. I didn't bother to say thank you instead I walked up stairs and slammed the door to my room.

Dream POV:

I knew lying to Tommy would be wrong but she really shouldn't have been such a bitch to me. 

Y/N ran up to her room and slammed the door making the house shake, I assume she knew that would piss me the hell off.

"Geez whats her problem" Sapnap asked walking down the stairs.

"Its a long story.." I responded.

"Well I've got plenty of time so i'm listening" He said.

"We ran into Tommy, and I kinda told him Y/N left their side to join ours.." I said  sitting on the sofa.

"And she did join our side, Correct?" Sapnap questioned.

"Well.. Not exactly, I agreed to Wilbur that if he let me take her with me I wouldn't blow up l'manberg.." I stated.

"Your kidding, right Dream!?" Sapnap said throwing his hands in the air.

"No, I'm not" I said.

"You fucking idiot.." Sapnap said walking away.


anyways ty to the playlist that inspired me to write this chapter since dreams a villain.


Anyways gm since i woke up ig

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