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Ok, Seriously right now I'm fucking done. I thought this week would actually be a good fucking week, but no. I found out i'm lactose intolerance witch makes me wanna freaking kill myself because no more fucking cheese roll ups, I see how it is.  

Second of all, Sydney is ignoring the fucking shit out of me, this rarely happens if i'm honest.. Normally everything's fine and we have our normal hugs in the hallways at school, but no not anymore. she hasn't fucking talked to me since last monday.. like, I get why (witch im not going to say) But  you could at least wave and me or something. And i'm not sure what exactly i did wrong but bro, if i did something shitty.. I prefer you fucking tell me, not blow me off for a fucking week.

I'm gonna try to post, but let me just focus on my shitty life currently and attempt to figure this fucking stuff out. Once again i love each an every one of you so honking much <33

-Tara ^

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