Chapter 5

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As we made it to the walls, I was out of breath.

Wilbur stood in front of me as I was a was able to catch a glimpse of a white mask. I knew exactly who was standing there..


Dream was holding Tubbo by neck with a blade to his throat, Wilbur didn't say a word. 

"Well Wilbur..?" Dream said smoothly.

I didn't think Dream would harm Tubbo until Wilbur didn't respond, Dream pressed the blade into Tubbos throat allowing blood to release down to his Uniform. Tubbo screamed in pain, his scream echoing threw the village. 

From a far i could see Tommy and Fundy running for the walls, I assume they heard Tubbos scream. The look on Tommy's face was beyond rage I could hear him shouting millions of curse words.

Wilbur's face was also indeed, filled with rage.

When Tommy made it to the walls he was shouting "DREAM YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" 

Tommy pulled out his sword and held it to his side. Dream figured Tommy wanted to challenge him so he shoved Tubbo to the ground as Fundy ran over to help Tubbo. 

"Tommy-" Wilbur was cut off by me.

"Wilbur, your not going to be able to stop him.. let him be." I said gripping Wil's hand.


ok well sorry for not posting i was to busy building my fairy village in minecraft w/ connor lol

well im back and bouta post sm bc yuh

ily u guys

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