Chapter 17

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I woke up the next day on the floor of my room, I attempted to stand up but I just fell back down to the floor. My body was in so much pain from what happen yesterday.

I heard a slight knock on the door, as it opened. Sapnap stood there with a tray of food.

"Hey.. Hows it going?" He asked setting the tray on the nightstand.

"Not the best." I said groaning.

Sapnap glared at the cut on my throat.

"Did Dream do that to you?" He asked softly.

I nodded.

"I swear.. I'm going to fucking kill this bastard." He said standing up.

I grabbed his hand.

"Sapnap no." I said 

"No!? He could've killed you Y/N!" He said turning back to look at me.

Tears began to flood my eyes.

As much pain as Dream put me through I didn't think he deserved to be yelled at by his friends just for what he did to me.

Sapnap then sat down on the floor with me.

"Where did he hurt you.. Be honest." He said.

"Just my stomach and neck I'm fine I swear." I responded.

I wasn't fine, It felt like it felt like every bone in my body was broken.

Sapnap glared at me.

"Thats all?" He said sternly.

"Yep." I said biting the inside of my cheek, I really didn't want Sapnap to be mad at me for lying.

"Alright, Ill talk to him.." He said with a smile.

"Why don't you rest." He said helping me into the bed.

"Talk to you later Y/N." 

"Later Sapnap." I said quickly dozing off.

Sorry for such a short chapter, Me and syd have a cheer comp so yuh <3

we ly guys -Syd + Tara <33 ^^     

Oh and we will try to post this weekend, no promises tho :))

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