Chapter 24

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The next day came oddly quick, I was awoke by Sapnap shaking me. 

"Y/N, Wake up were going to be late!" He yelled.

I shot up from the covers, rubbing my eyes.

"L-late.. to what?" I asked

Then suddenly, It hit me. The election.. I had completely forgotten about it. I made a whole plan i'd be up early and prepared for the election but so far that plan isn't going as planed. I shooed Sapnap out of the room so I could get dressed and at most look presentable.

I chose a light pink dress covered in black dots. I thought the dress was honestly quite nice, not sure why i didn't wear it sooner.

(Quick note: If you don't like the dress colour you can make it whatever colour you desire of course  loves <3) 

I found a pair of black boots and decided to wear those with the dress, I figured the boots matched quite nicely. Just then I heard another faint knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The doorknob turned reveling dream standing there, He soon was leaning against a wall as I fixed my hair.

"You look great, Y/N." He said softly, A light pink river of blush filled his face.

"You don't look so bad yourself, love." I said walking over to him.

He had on a black suit and tie.

He let a small chuckle as he ruffled my hair.

"Come on now love, we are going to be late." He said taking his hand in mine. As we walked I kept thinking about the election. What is going to happen if Wilbur doesn't win? Will I never go back to L'manberg again..?

Those thoughts ran through my mind as if they were on repeat. I didn't want anything to happen to L'manberg.. Or anybody living there. I just really am hoping there is no harm coming to l'manberg.     

We soon arrived, Dream opened the door for me as I walked into the building. Dozens of people sat in rows, some standing. Then I relized there stood Wilbur and Shllat on stage. 

"Y/N!" I heard a boy yell, Tommy ran hugging me from behind.

"Tommy! Its been so long!" I said turning around. 

Tommy soon stood face to face to Dream, He turned his face to mine and whispered into my ear.

"What the hell is that bastard doing here?" He whispered.

"Hes with me Tommy.. Y'know I can't go anywhere without him really." I whispered back.

"Oh yeah.." He mumbled.

"Talking about me love?" Dream said pulling me away from him.

"I- what no.." I mumbled.

"LOVE!?" Tommy yelled.

"Yeah about that.." He said rubbing his neck.

I pushed him away from me and glared at him, I didn't want our relationship being public honestly.

I soon left him and began walking around with Tommy.

"So, Who you going to vote for Y/N?" He asked.

"Tommy I think we all know I'm voting for Wilbur." I said smirking.

"Of course, why the hell would you vote for that goat man." He laughed.

"I wouldn't." I said.

Soon Fundy and Niki rushed in behind us.

"Y/N, Tommy!" They yelled.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Guys.. Did you know i'm running in the election!" Fundy said.

"No, I didn't know that Fundy.. But i'm sure you'll do great!" I said smiling. 

He smiled in return and so did Niki.

Sooner than later the election had began, Both Wilbur and Shlatt gave speeches. It was time to vote, I of course voted for Wilbur. I began to look around for Dream but he was no where to be found. I'm not sure where he could have slipped off to.

I took a seat waiting for the results. I had my fingers crossed Wilbur was going to win this election. Soon the results came in, Wilbur stood on the stage with Tommy.

"In 4th place we have.. Coconut2020." 

Niki cheered for Fundy as did I.

"In 3rd place we have Swag2020." 

I let out a small clap, I knew Quackity worked with Shlat so I wasn't pleased.

"In 2nd place we have Shlat2020." 

"And in 1st place we have pog2020" 

I cheered and jumped up and down, I was beyond happy Wilbur and Tommy did it! 

"Wait but but.. Shlat has asked me to combine his and Quackitys votes.. Witch makes Shlat2020 the winner!" 



It can't be ture..

The room and mixed chatter, A few cheers and other negative opinions.

Shlat walked onto the stage with a large grin.

"Well, Ladies and Gentalmen.. Its great to be your new president!" He cheered.

"My first order however.. I would like  to revoke Tommy Innit  and Wilbur Soot's citizenship."  He said sounding like he had no soul.

"NO!" Me and Niki yelled at the same time.

Wilbur and Tommy dashed at the building as tears rolled down Tommy's face. They didn't deserve this..

I broke down on the floor, Screams filled the room but I blocked those out all I could here was my sobbing.

Soon somebody grabbed me and pulled me up. I assumed for it to be Dream or Sapnap. But no I was wrong. It was the one the only Quackity.


He dragged me out of the building. 

He had a grin on his face, this man seemed like he was pure evil.. Not as evil as Shlat but evil.

He dragged me, I was screaming and trying to punch him but nothing seemed to be hurting him, no matter how many punches I took.

We soon arrived at a big building, it looked like some huge prison.. And I was very much correct it is a prison. He dragged me and threw me in a cell locking the cell door. I just sat there crying.. I honestly wished Dream was here.

I cried until I was dead asleep.

I was awoken but Shlat screaming at somebody, he soon walked to my cell.

"Well, If it isn't Y/N." He said with a chuckle.

"You fucking bastard." I mumbled.

"What was that, your going to have to speak up darling." He said.


 That nickname sent me spiraling, it just made me think about Dream over and over. All the times he called me darling. 

"Nothing." I said.

"Mmm.. Well your going to be here for a while, at least until we kill your little friends." He said smirking.

"YOU LAY AND HAND ON THEM AND ILL..-" I couldn't think of what to say. 

"And you'll do what? You can't do anything locked up in here." He said. He was right, I can't do anything locked up in prison. 




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