Chapter 11

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The last words I heard came from dream telling Sapnap to carry me back to the house, maybe trying to run wasn't such a good idea.

I awoke back in the same small room i'd been in before, i made my 'great' escape. I heard the door knob turn. The door swung open to reveal George standing in the door frame.

"Dream wants to see you downstairs." He mumbled. 

"Mhm." I said in response.

I got out of the small bed, as I stood up a felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I assumed its where Dream hit me with his arrow.

I walked down the stairs still holding my shoulder, due to the pain.

"Awe, your awake princess.. Hows that shoulder of yours feeling?" Dream said with a large grin.

"You fucking bastard..-" I said being cut off by Sapnap putting his hand over my mouth. 

I slapped his hand in return. 

"Don't put your fucking hands on me." I said glaring at him. 

"Someones got a temper.." George mumbled to Dream.

Dream nodded his head in response.

"So." I said

"So?" Dream asked.

"What do you want from me"I  responded.

"Oh, I want you to come to l'manberg with me princess." He smirked.

L'manberg..!? Is he fucking kidding me, I am pretty sure everyone there fucking despises me at this point after what Dream said to Tommy.

But it was worth a shot again, Maybe Dream would finally let me go!

I nodded my head.

"Oh, and before we leave grab a sword in case something happens.. I can't have you getting hurt again." He said standing up.

What did he mean by 'again' isn't he the one who hurt me.. I thought to myself. 

Dream handed me a Diamond sword.

He walked out the door and I followed behind him, He took his hand in mine making sure i didn't run off.

"So, Dream." I said looking up at his mask.

"What?" He said looking down at me, still walking.

"Why are we going to L'manberg?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I've got some business I have to handle." He said.

"What kind of business?" I asked grinning.

"Well princess, that's none of your business, now is it?" He said.

"But-" I was cut off once again.

"But nothing." He said smiling under the mask.

 I began skipping as we walked. 

Dream looked down at me as I swung his hand.

'What are you, 6?" He asked.

I glared at him.

"Your so boring." I stated. 

As we arrived at L'manberg Fundy opened the gates. Fundy gave me a small wave and a smile, I smiled back. 

I saw Wilbur, I got overly exited and ran up to him give him a hug.

"Y/N!?" He asked looking confused

"What- How did you get here?" He asked.

I turned around and pointed at Dream.

"Oh." He said.

I walked back over to Dream, He was talking to a man that had.. Horns on his head.

"Dreamm?" I asked looking up at him.

He turned over to me.

"What?" He asked.

"Can I explore, please..?" I asked in the nicest way possible.

"Mhm, But if I come find you I might just slit your throat." He said smiling.

I wasn't sure if he was serious or if he was joking.

As I was walking around I bumped into a girl carrying baked goods.

"Oh, Im sorry I said!" She dropped so of the Pastries so I helped her pick them up.

"Your fine" She said with a smile.

"I've never seen you around here.." I said.

"Oh, I just recently came to this village." She said.

"Oh, Cool! Well I'm Y/N" I said with a large smile.

"Niki." She said. 

"Well Niki, would you maybe want to explore with me?" I asked her 

"Sure Y/N!" She said giving the baked goods to the man next to her.

As we walked around the L'maberg we wondered into the forest. 

I adore this chapter, and Niki ofcc <33

I hope u guys r doing good btw <3

Also Techno is pro at Minecraft VR. 

enjoy ur morning, evening or night btw :))

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