Chapter 16

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As Sapnap pulled me away, tears ran down my face. I just got back to l'manberg I wasn't ready to leave. I couldn't stop thinking about Wilbur and my friends, What if Dream and George killed them? 

We eventually made it back to the house. We walked inside and as I walked upstairs I turned to see Sapnap glaring at me.

"What..?" I asked.

"You realize Dream wants to kill you.. right?" He said crossing his arms.

"W-what?" I said, my voice cracking.

"You'll see when he gets home." He said.

I ran up the stairs, Did Dream really want to kill me..?

I sat in that bed for hours, thoughts rushing threw my head of ways Dream could murder me.. there were so many different  ways I could die.

Hours later I assume Dream and George made it home.

"Where the hell is she Sapnap?" I heard Dream say, his tone angry.

"Upstairs." I heard Sapnap respond.

I could hear Dream walking up the stairs.

The bedroom door flung open, Dream stepped into the room and slammed the door.

"You fucking bitch." He said.

"Dream i'm sorry-" I said being cut off.

"No. You've done this countless of times."

I stood up, thinking it'd make me look brave.

He pulled out a small knife and held it to my throat.

"Y'know,  i'd slit your throat.. but ill be nice." 

He held up his fist and slammed it straight into my jaw multiple times.

"Had enough?" He said with a chuckle.

Blood dripped from my mouth, Tears ran down my face.

I didn't respond.

"Guess not princess." 

He punched his fist into my stomach, I just stood there letting the tears fall.

Sapnap and George walked in.

I was crying ,bleeding, my eyes were extremely puffy.

"Dream stop!" George yelled.

Dream lowers his fist, Dream was breathing heavily.

He stormed off.

Honestly if George and Sapnap didn't walk in there at that time, I might've died. I couldn't take much more of Dreams punches.

They both ran after dream, leaving me to bleed on the floor.

Dream POV:

I stormed out of that room, I still wanted to beat the shit out of her, maybe bust her kneecaps.

George and sapnap ran after me.

"Dream you could've killed her.. I get your angry." George said

"I want to fucking kill her, why can't she just listen to me for once." I responded.

"Dream you kill her, wilbur will be after your head." Sapnap said. 

"Well fuck him and her." I said


Written by mwa syd, bc tara can't write chapters like this-

P.S. u guys should watch uncharted 

-love syd ^^

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