Chapter 23

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As Dream dragged me out of l'manberg, a frown began to form on my face.. Did we really have to leave so soon? It felt like we just got to l'manberg.

As we walked the sun was setting completely, There were a few spiders and skeletons but if any came near me dream killed them for me. 

It felt like he was my true protector. 

But something seemed off about him. Every time he'd do something nice for me or to me.. or even call me a certain name it seemed like it all was all just an act.

 It wasn't just an act or some sort of set up.. A plan he had in place, It couldn't be.


As we arrived home he did it again.. opening the door for me like some sort of gentlemen. Why was he repeating this one thing so many times?

It was beginning  to feel weird, Really weird.

As he stepped inside the house he looked down at me.

"I love you darling." He said placing a kiss on my cheek. It sent me into some sort of daze, anytime he did that. I was really falling in love with this man, but did he really love me?

I couldn't get that thought out of my mind if it was some sort of joke or if Dream really did love me.

"I-i love you to." I stuttered.

"Whats wrong darling, cat got your tongue?" He said towering over me.

"Nope everything's fine!" I respond.

"Alright, Get some rest dear.. Big day tomorrow." He said with a large smirk.

What was happening tomorrow? And why did he seem so happy about it? 

I ran upstairs bumping into Sapnap.

"Oh, Hey!" I said.

"Hey Y/N." He said.

I was going to tell him about me and Dream but than a thought hit my mind, Hes dreams best friend. He has to know whats going on tomorrow. Right?

"Hey, Sapnap do you know whats going on tomorrow? Dream told me that it was something big apparently.

"Oh yeah just an election between Wilbur and Shlatt-" He soon put a hand over his mouth.

"I- I mean nothing." He said.

"Oh um.. Ok." I said walking away with a confused look on my face.

Wilbur was running in an election.. And who the hell is this Shlatt guy!?" I thought.

I walked into my room flopping on to the small twin sized bed.

I guess ill just have to see what happens tomorrow. 

Hope u guys enjoyed the chapter! Written by Tara and Syd <3

U guys r very poggers :D

enjoy ur day or night ofcc ^^ 


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