Chapter 22

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Dream POV: 

My plan was working, Y/N was falling for me. She was in the palm of my hand. I could finally have control of the Nation.


I'd be in complete control. 

I look turn around to see Y/N still standing in the middle of the field staring off.

"Y/N?" I shout.

"Oh- Yeah coming Dream!" She says running towards me.

The whole rest of the walk she was silent, I couldn't seem to figure out what was on her mind. We arrived back at the house, I opened the door for her playing the part as her "lover". 

It was all just an act tho. 

Just an act. 

She walked over to the sofa sitting there, her mind still focused on whatever she was thinking about. She was in a really deep thought, I could tell.

"Darling?" I ask.

She turns her head to me and hums in response.

"Whats on your mind?" I ask sitting next to her.

"I..- I miss Wilbur." She says softly.

"That badly?" I ask. 

She nods in response.

"Well, I do have to visit l'manberg again.. I can take you with me." I say 

"Really!?" She asks.

I nod.

"Speaking of witch, we can go now." I say.

I wasn't really taking her to l'manberg to make her 'happy' it was because there were newcomers in l'manberg. 

She hopped off the couch and skipped out the door. She was really happy to go back there, I didn't understand why.

We soon arrived at the walls of l'manberg, Y/N saw Fundy and ran towards him pulling him into a large hug. I trailed behind her glaring at Fundy as we walked into the walls. He shot me a similar glare, but I knew he feared me deep inside.

Fundy followed behind us, I assume going to tell Wilbur that'd we arrived. Y/N beat him to that however.

"Wilbur!" She screamed.

He turned around as she jumped into his arms.

To be honest it made me angry.

I followed behind her quite quickly making sure Wilbur knew I present as well. 

As soon as I walked over, Wilbur shot me a nasty glare.. He obviously wasn't happy to see me with her.

"Dream." He spoke setting Y/N down walking closer to me. Y/N walked next to me our fingers interlocking once again. 

"Wilbur, Its pleasant to see you." I said faking a smirk under my mask.

"You to.." He mumbled. 

"Is Shlatt here perhaps?" I questioned.

"Yes, He should be over there somewhere." Wilbur told me.

"Ok, Thank you." Shaking his hand.

He pulled Y/N to him as I walked away I shot him a glare but he obliviously didn't seem to care. I soon ran into Shlatt.

"Shlatt!" I say.

"Dream, Its good to see you." He says shaking my hand.

He was dressed in a suit like normal, I could tell he meant business .

He and a few other people had just arrived in l'maberg, but he was here for one thing he was here to run for president and hopefully overthrow Wilbur. If i'm honest, I hope Shlatt wins the upcoming election Wilbur is a horrible president.

"So, Everythings going as plan?" He asked.

I nod.

"Good, Well if you excuse me I have some other business to attend to I'll see you at the election tomorrow, Right?" He says.

"Ill try to make it." I say walking away.

I went to find Y/N. I catch her talking to Tommy and Wilbur laughing, It just pisses me off.

I ran over to her pulling her arm, she stumbles.

"HEY-" She turns around to me.

"Oh, Its just you." She says.

"Time to leave." I say pulling out my sword.

"Oh, Ok.. Bye Wil, Bye Tommy!" She shouts.

I dragged her along with me, she has no clue whats coming.





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