The Dark Forest.

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Jacob wrote to Hermione explaining his plan to use Harry's cloak to sneak into the library. Though a sounding a bit nervous in her letter she agree with it.

Later that night Jacob was sound asleep in bed until he heard yelling.

"Ron! Jacob! There's something you need to see!" Harry came yelling into the boy's dorm as he pulled off his cloak.  Jacob awoke and rubbed his eyes while Ron did the same.

"Bloody hell Harry it's the middle of the night"

"There's something you to see now come on!" Harry said.

Later the three boys hid under Harry's cloak and made their way to an old room. They took off the cloak and ran toward a large mirror.

"Look in the mirror it's my parents" Harry said said. "You see them don't you?"

"That's me, only I'm head boy" Ron said "And I'm holding the Quidditch cup and bloody hell om captain too!"

"Alright let me have a look then" Jacob said as he stood in front of the mirror. Just then two figures appeared and each of Jacob. He then gasped quietly as he saw his mother on his right side and his father on his left side.

"You see them Jacob, my parents?" Harry asked.

"I don't see your parents Harry. I see mine" Jacob said. Just then his mother and father were replaced by two different people. Jacob looked to his left side and saw what looked like and older version of himself. His hair was combed back and  he was wear a red shirt and jeans. He then looked to the right and saw a young woman and he recognized her immediately. It was Hermione only her hair wasn't as bushy as it is now. She was wearing a pink shirt and a grey jacket along with a Lavender colored scarf. Jacob blushed at the sight of her. He always thought Hermione was cute but he had no idea how beautiful she would become. Older Hermione them pulled Older Jacob towards her and they shared a deep,passionate, loving kiss.

"Harry, do you think this mirror tells the future?" Ron asked

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"Harry, do you think this mirror tells the future?" Ron asked.

"How can it?" Harry asked. "Both mine and Jacob's parents are dead"

A few days had past since Jacob first encountered the mirror. And like Harry he too came every night to see the mirror to gaze upon the same reflections as before.

"Back again Jacob?" A voice said. Jacob turned around as saw Professor Dumbledore standing behind him.

"I see that you like so many before you have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised." Dumbledore said as he approached the boy. "I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest person on earth would look into the mirror and see only themselves exactly as they are now."

"So then, it shows us what we want" Jacob said "Whatever we want"

"Yes and no" Dumbledore replied. "It shows us nothing more or less then the deepest and most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you Jacob like Harry who have never known you family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this my boy, this mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. People have wasted away in front of it. Even gone mad...... that is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home for your own good as well as Harry's. I must ask you not to go looking for it again"

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