Mudblood/The Chamber.

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The next day Jacob had woken up feeling guilty about his fight with Hermione. Especially since it was the first one they ever had. He still thought Lockhart was an idiot but maybe it was best that he kept it to himself for the sake of their friendship. He got dressed and walked down to the common room and he saw Hermione reading one of Lockhart's stupid books. He let out a sigh and walked up to the couch she was sitting on.

"Mione?" He asked as Hermione looked up at him then looked down at her book.

"What do want Jacob?" Hermione asked with a hint of venom in her voice.

"I want to apologize" Jacob said making Hermione look up at him. "I wasn't trying to hurt you. That's the last thing I wanted to do. You were right, I was a little jealous, and I shouldn't have said what I said. Granted I still think Lockhart is an Idiot but that's just my opinion. If you idolize him then I'll keep my opinions to myself"

"Really?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, Hermione I promise" Jacob said

"Thank you Jacob" Hermione said as the two of them hugged. "But, I guess you're not totally blameless. I did kind of overreact. So I owe you an apology as well."

"It's ok Hermione" Jacob said "So are we good?"

"Yeah we're good" Hermione said "Oh I almost forgot something. I'll be right back"

Hermione ran up to the girls dorm and came back a few seconds later with a small wrapped box and handed it to Jacob.

"Happy Birthday Jacob" Hermione said.

"Oh, I forgot it was my birthday" Jacob said taking the gift. "Thanks Mione"

"You're welcome Jacob" Hermione said smiling.

Jacob then opened the box and saw a Tiger necklace inside.


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"'s beautiful" Jacob said in awe.

"I remember you saying that the tiger was your favorite animal, especially the white tiger because you thought they were majestic and powerful."

"I love it Hermione and I'll always wear it." Jacob said putting the necklace on. Then he checked his pocket watch. "Oh bloody hell I gotta get going. Quidditch tryouts start today"

"Jacob wait, before you go" Hermione said as she kissed Jacob on his cheek making them both blush. "F-for luck"

"T-t-thanks Hermione" Jacob said as he left the common room"

The next day after Quidditch tryouts came too an end Jacob made the team as the newest Chaser with the Nimbus 2000 that his uncle bought him. The Gryffindor team made their way to the Quidditch field.

"I've spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program" Oliver said "We're gonna train earlier, harder and longer"

"Um, Oliver I don't mean to sound insensitive" Jacob said "But when was the last time you got any sleep?'

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