The Graveyard

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Jacob couldn't believe his eyes. Voldemort, the man responsible for his father's death as well as Harry's parents, had returned.

Voldemort then approached Pettigrew who stared at the Dark Lord with fear and admiration.

"My wand Wormtail" Voldemort hissed. Pettigrew then handed his master's wand to him. "Hold out your arm"

"Master...... Thank you master" Pettigrew said as he extended his handless arm.

"The other arm Wormtail" Voldemort sneered. He then grabbed Pettigrew's arm and pointed his wand at his the rat bastard's forearm and conjured the Dark Mark.

The boys looked up and saw the Dark Mark appeared in the sky. Just then a group of Death Eaters appeared in the graveyard surrounding the Dark Lord.

"Welcome, my friends" Voldemort greeted. "13 years it's been. And yet..... here you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself...... disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me."

Just then Voldemort started ripping off the Death Eaters masks one by one.




"Not even you........Lucius"

Voldemort then ripped off the final Death Eater's mask that revealed to be Lucius Malfoy. Jacob snarled in anger as his eyes glowed purple.

"My Lord, had I detected any sign, a whisper of your whereabouts--" Lucius said.

"There were signs, my slippery friend" The Dark Lord hissed. "And more than whispers."

"I assure you, my Lord I have never renounced the old ways" Lucius said taking off his hood. "The face. I have obliged to present each day since your......absence....... that is my true mask"

"I returned" Pettigrew said as Voldemort approached him.

"Out of fear Wormtail. Not loyalty" Voldemort sneered. "Still...... you have proved yourself useful these past few months"

With a flick of his wand, Voldemort had replaced Pettigrew's hand with a silver one.

"Thank you master" Pettigrew said.

"If you think he's useful than you're a fool" Jacob grunted.

Voldemort then turned his head toward Jacob and approached him while chuckling.

"Oh Jacob....... I see you have your father's smart mouth attitude" Voldemort said grabbing the boys jaw. "You're just like him........weak and pathetic"

"Shut up!" Jacob growled as Voldemort released him.

"Did anyone ever tell you about that night 13 years ago?" The Dark Lord asked "Michael could have easily destroyed me. You see I knew that he was a descendant of Merlin and that he, like you, possessed untamed power. But he was a coward"

"He was great man!" Jacob yelled.

"He was a coward!" Voldemort yelled back. "He was afraid to use his full power against me. If he had he, along with James and Lily Potter would still be alive today. He was a disgrace to Merlin's legacy. Just like you"

"Don't listen to him Jacob!" Harry said as he struggled to break free.

"Harry" Voldemort said approaching him "Oh, I'd almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you but word has it that you and your friend Jacob are almost as famous as me these days. The Boy Who Lived and Merlin's Last Descendant. How lies fed your legends boys. Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers?"

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