We Did It

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It had been over a year since the second Wizarding War had ended and since then Jacob and Hermione had gone to her parents house and Jacob successfully restored their memories. The couple had explained to them why Hermione had to erase their memories of them. Thankfully they understood and were happy to see that their daughter and future son-in-law were alright.

Jacob and Hermione went back to Hogwarts as Head Boy and Girl and they both graduated at the top of their class.

Professor McGonagall had offered to make Jacob the new DATDA teacher and unlike the others before him, he had planned on sticking around for more than one year.

It was now March of the year 2000. 3 months away from Jacob and Hermione's wedding. They were inside of Ashla's new house preparing a meal inside the kitchen and Hermione looked very nervous while she was chopping some vegetables.

Jacob then wrapped his arms around her from behind and gave her a gentle squeeze to calm her down as she stopped cutting the vegetables.

"What's wrong Mione?" Jacob asked "I haven't seen you this nervous since you got your O.W.L's the summer before our 6th year"

"Sorry love, I'm just nervous" Hermione said facing her fiancé "It's just, this is the first time my parents are meeting your Mum and I want everything to be perfect"

"Everything will be fine my love" Jacob said as he kissed her forehead "Everything looks delicious"

"Thanks Jacob" Hermione said as they kissed.

Just then Ashla entered the kitchen wearing a beautiful blue dress.

Just then Ashla entered the kitchen wearing a beautiful blue dress

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"Well, how do I look?" She asked

"You look great Mum" Jacob said.

Just then there was a knock at the front door.

"Oh they're here!" Hermione said rushing to the door and opened it. "Hi mum and dad"

"Hello sweetheart" Monica said hugging her daughter.

"Hope we're not too early" Wendall said hugging Hermione next.

"You're right on time" Hermione said just as Jacob entered the room with Ashla.

"Hi Monica and Wendall" He said shaking Wendall's hand and hugging Monica "This my mother Ashla"

"It's nice to finally meet you both" Ashla said shaking their hands "And may say it's been wonderful getting to know Hermione. She has been an absolute delight ever since I first met her"

"We can the same for Jacob as well" Monica said smiling "I can't even begin to tell you how grateful we are to have him in our daughter's life"

The family was enjoying a nice steak dinner while discussing what what had been going on the past few years.

"So Ashla, Jacob told us you are a Muggle-born as well?" Wendall said.

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