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Alternate Reality

The sounds of a kettle that had been recently singing with high-pressure steam had me battered my eyes at it. I reach towards it and turn off the heat.

"What? Where am I now?"

Confused and unaware that I was in another unfamiliar place. Looking down, I have a casual long-sleeve, leggings, and an apron.

I look around the kitchen, standing in front of the stove. The kitchen's interior was hues of light colors of cream and grey, giving that soothed feeling. I opened the white cabinet and found matching blue and white plates nearly stacked, along with some crystal glass cups.

I stepped out of the kitchen and entered the family room. Everything is so modern and black and white, from white couches to a black glass coffee table. I explore this complex; a balcony is next to the living room to see the whole city. I advance towards and slide the glass door with a gust of wind in my face. I grip the rails and look down. We are about fifty levels up, and I see tiny cars and people moving like ants.

Leaving the balcony, I'm still collecting the family room decorations before I head to one of the rooms. My eyes widened as I looked at this bedroom's size. A large king-size bed was placed against the wall, a study desk close to the tall windows, and a large screen tv in front of a couch. There's a picture on the side table. I picked it up and looked at it.

"That's Dominic and me," I mutter as I stare at our wedding. So, this place is my home. I remember marrying Dominic until the light flashed before my eyes.

Putting the photo down, I made my way to the door next to me as I gripped both handles and yanked it wide open to have my eyes increase its size - it's an oversized walk-in closet. To my right is filled with women's clothes and accessories, and the other is the men's. It was big enough for at least four people to live there.

I shut the doors and calm my heart before processing the next. Gripping the doorknob, I hear mumbling on the other side. Twisting the knob, I peer my head and find a man wearing a white dress shirt and black pants. I know that posture with his hand inside the pocket and a phone to his ear as Dominic talks about business, looking severe.

"Yeah, make sure to contact Mr. Choi about our proposal," he says, and as I close his door slowly and quietly, Dominic and I make eye contact. He flashes a smile at me. "Okay, you do that and have those documents sent to me in about an hour."

He put his phone down on his desk, walked around to approach me, grabbed my hand, and put it to his lips for a kiss. My heart jumped. "Hey baby, dinner is done?"

I stare at him as he tilts his head, waiting for a reply. I don't want to stay silent, and I blink my eyes. "Oh...Um..."

"Come, let's eat," he intertwined our fingers leading us outside his office.

I wasn't sure what to say but followed Dominic to the dining table, shocked that it was filled with cooked food that wasn't there before.

"Wow, Lippy," he pulls out a chair as I sit in confusion. Dominic takes the seat across from me. "This looks amazing. Smells amazing too."

Still in shock, I watched him serve himself pasta on his plate and took a bite. "Baby, what's wrong? Not hungry?"

"Oh," I blink again and grab some food to fill my plate.

While Dominic is enjoying his meal, I move my fork around, working my brain to what is happening. I gathered the first time I opened my eyes to my parents' house, my parents were together, and Dominic was lovely and lovable. After we kissed, I opened my eyes and found myself wearing a wedding dress. Lastly, I find myself in a different location that appears to be an apartment complex where Dominic and I live. I opened my eyes, standing in the kitchen, and everything wasn't cooking on the stove, but the moment I returned, there was food already made. I don't remember cooking, and it's all too weird that everything is happening here so fast.

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