ten | "noen eubanks; an open book"

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Jaden went home that day and locked himself in his room. For him, his room was always his safe space. He hated people coming in there. He felt like they were infiltrating his personal space.

Josh and Bryce left earlier that morning after the shoot for a last-minute trip to Vegas for some business thing. So he was left alone in the apartment. Josh had prepared some food for him, or he could get take out.

But the food was the last thing on his mind right now. He was conflicted, he was aware of what happened, but he didn't know how to feel.

During his meltdown, he remembered that there were one—no—two people that could give him some sort of help.

Chase Hudson and Noen Eubanks. He scrambled to find his phone, "Fuck where is it?!" He shouted. He lifted a blanket and found it. He quickly unlocked it and opened his contacts.

"Noen... Noen..." he mumbled as he searched through all of his contacts. "Noen!" He exclaimed. He pressed the call button and waited as it rang. "Please pick up," he mumbled, biting his lip.

"Jaden?" He heard someone say.

"This is Noen right?" Jaden asked, feeling nervous he got the wrong number.

"Yeah it is, w-why are you calling?" He asked.

Jaden took a breath, "So you know at the end of the tour you said to call you if I ever needed help?" He said

"Yeah." He heard heavy breathing from the other side.

"Well I need help, and I would rather do it in person, so can I please come over?" He asked, but it sounded like he was begging.

He heard Noen sigh and then whispered something, but Jaden couldn't hear it, "Yeah come over, I'll send you our address."

Jaden nodded, even though Noen could see, "Thank you. Wait—our?" He quickly caught the word.

"I'll explain once you get here," Noen chimed.

"Okay. See you soon."

"Mhm, bye," Noen hung up.

Jaden stood there, "He seemed off," he spoke out loud. He shrugged it off and started grabbing things to leave. He stopped by a mirror and fixed his hair. He got the message from Noen and walked out the door.

He went to his car and set up the directions. He turned some music on and started driving. He knew that after the tour Noen stayed in LA, they hadn't talked much, but they weren't strangers either.

Jaden drove through a nice-looking neighborhood. Not as nice as Travis, but a little nicer than the one he lives in. "Wow," he amazed at the house he pulled up in front of.

He saw two cars, so Noen lived with someone. He turned his car off and walked up to the front porch. He rang the doorbell and waited.

"Why is it awkward doing this?" He mumbled to himself. He found it odd waiting after ringing a doorbell or knocking.

He waited a few more minutes before the door opened, "Jaden!" He heard the cheerful voice.

Jaden looked up, "Hey Noen!" He smiled widely. The smaller, brightly colored hair boy pulled him into a hug. He was very different from how he was on the phone, but Jaden didn't give it a second thought.

"You look amazing," Noen pulled away from the hug leading Jaden inside. The decore was very Noen, but with a hint of edge. The drastic contrast reminded him of someone else but he couldn't think of it.

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