twenty-eight | take me back

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🎸 # [ ROCKSTAR ]

Today was the day. That's what Colson told himself again, for the fourth day in a row. The previous three attempts have ended in him chickening out. He spent an entire day getting ready.

He had his roots done, so he's back to his loveable blonde. He showered, he smelt awful. He also ate, which took a lot of guts to do. The point is he looked a lot better than he did three days ago, still felt shitty, and that wasn't going away, but he did feel good enough to make it through.

He pulled out his phone and called Travis, "Yo," he said.

"Yo," Travis responded shortly.

"He's heading there right?" Colson asked.

"Yeah he is, should be there soon."

Colson mentally nodded, "I'm on my way then," he grabbed his keys and left the house.

"Alright man, don't fuck this shit up. I swear this si everyone last straw," Travis scolded.

"Yeah, Yeah I know," Colson mumbled. Travis hung up and Colson got in his car.

He gripped the wheel before turning the car engine on and pulling out of the driveway. He made a note to drive a little faster so he could get to the studio on time, if not before Jaden.

To say he was nervous was an understatement. His forehead was shiny from sweating, he was trying to not bounce his other leg, and he was gnawing on his lips. He was a wreck, no matter how good he looked on the outside, he would always be an internal wreck.

"Pull yourself together, Kelly," He said. This time he tried to. He took some deep breaths and started humming some tunes.

He didn't know it yet, but that small tune would eventually work its way into something bigger. He turns the wheel shifting the car in the direction of the parking lot of the studio.

He saw Jaden's car and mentally cursed. He would have liked to have been there before him, but he wasn't sure when Jaden left. He parked his car just a little further down from Jaden's.

He looked in the mirror one last time and got out of the car. He shook his hands and wiped them on his pants.

He was dressed better today than he has been in the last weeks. He had on a light green suit, with no shirt on underneath, his nails were matching green with white accents, and light jewelry to accessorize it.

He thought he looked nice; he did. He walked into the building and was greeted by Molly, the girl who was almost always at the front desk.

"Hey Colson," she smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back.

"Trav isn't here?" Molly questioned why Colson was there.

He shook his head, he wasn't here to see him, "Not here to see him." He kept it short.

She quirked his brow, "Oh, then I'll let you go then," she said.

He nodded, "I'll see you later, Molly," he waved off and walked down to the room that Jaden always works in.

He bites his lips for the umpteenth time that day. He was shaking, literally. He reaches the door, anticipating his own doom.

There were many possible outcomes. One, he and Jaden talk it all through and then work on the song. Two, They talk, Jaden doesn't want to finish the song, and he leaves. Three, Jaden gets mad, doesn't hear Colson out, and it turns into something bigger, with both of them being hurt.

Colson hopes it's one, but he'll take option two too. He opens the door, and Jaden turns to him.

"You're not Travis," he states.

Colson rubbed the back of his neck, "Uhm... yeah," he says, sheepishly.

"So why are you here?"

Shit, Colson panics. He's rehearsed this many times. "Can we talk?" He asks, cracking his knuckles. Jaden picks up a cup and takes a few sips.

"I think we need to," Jaden sets his coffee cup down.

Colson nods and sits down, on the stool Travis uses. They both sit there and look at each other, neither one breaking eye contact. Colson is trying to find any words, Jaden is just waiting, playing with the hem of his sweater.

"Colson, I don't owe you any more words than I'm speaking now. So if you aren't going to say anything, then please leave," Jaden says, finally.

Colson nods, "Yeah sorry," he mumbles, "Look I know I'm not the best with words. And I guess I should've said this the first time, but I'm sorry Jaden. So very fucking sorry. I should've never gone with her on the boat, she told me she wanted to talk, but it turned into that. It was just a kiss, nothing more. I swear. She keeps bringing up the baby—"


"Yeah she's pregnant, we aren't sure if it's mine or not. We are allowed to get a test next week though. I should have just told you straight out what was going on instead of hiding it from you. I feel bad that I wasted what time we had together, and I want every chance to make it up to you. If you would ever take me back, and I hope you could. If not that's fine. But I at least want to finish the song. That's if you do too," he gave him a weak smile.

Jaden sits for a second and takes a sip of his coffee that definitely needs vodka or some liquor now, "I think you're right. You are shit with words. But I understand. I would have loved the transparency and I think if we had better communication then we would have been okay. But that is faulty on each of your sides. I am all for finishing the song, I really want to, and I think the fans want it more than ever. So we can finish it, and then see where this goes."

Colson nods eagerly, "Okay. Thank you," he said.

Jadens leans back on the couch, taking another sip of the coffee, "Yep definitely needs liquor."

🎸 # [ ROCKSTAR ]


just a few more chapters :/

anyways this is the last chapter till like thursday or friday. and i will be on hst time, or updates might be late for you, or earlier.

byeee love you all

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