sixteen | the anticipation of a song

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Safe to say Jaden was very excited. He loved hinting in posts about an album, and who may be a feature.

"So who is the feature on the album?" He read aloud. He was currently live and teasing the fans like crazy.

He chuckled, "Hm... He's very familiar with the industry. And that's all I can say," he shrugged. Fans went crazy trying to find out who it was. They were throwing all sorts of guesses, and while some were correct all Jaden could do was tease them.

He laughed again as he saw some people, who already knew, comment with pointless hints. "Chill man, I don't think NBA Young Boy is gonna be on this. I don't even like YB," Jaden said, putting his hands up in surrender. He looked at the small little time in the corner of his phone and knew it was time to get off since he had a meeting with Travis. "I gotta go now, but it was nice edging you all on," he laughed and waved bye.

He then got a call from one friend, "Dude you sound like a maniac!" he heard a wheeze, "That life was fuckin awesome."

Jaden smiled, "Yeah it was." The two continued to chat till Jaden noticed he really had to go. "Shit I gotta go, talk later man," he said and started rushing to get out of the house.

His friend bid him goodbye and hung up. Jaden put his phone in his pocket and got in his car. Turning on some music and of course, posted a pic of the unreleased song. He drove out of the driveway and hurried to Travis' house for the meeting with him, and Kells.

He jammed along to the song, it was the first song that they had somewhat finished, but there was room for changing things. He really liked this song, it hit home but was still great.

He pulled into the driveway of the famous drummer and parked his car. He got out and rushed up to the door, he hadn't seen Colson's car, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to.

"Jaden! You're here!" Travis exclaimed, pulling the boy into a hug.

Jaden chortled, "Hey man," he said as he was getting the life squeezed out of him.

"Colson should be here soon," he said, pulling away. Jaden nodded, feeling a pit forming in his gut.

He couldn't tell what the feeling he had for the man was yet—and he hated it. Some days he wanted nothing more to rip the smirk off his face when he saw him. But other times, he wanted to crawl into his arms and just snuggle close to him.

He could say it was gonna be the first option today. He's been feeling awful all week like he was sick. When he really just hated thinking.

Travis led Jaden to what looked like a conference room, but also an office.

"So who's gonna be here?" Jaden asked.

Travis looked back at him, "Just you, me, Kells and two of my studio people and one of Kells," he listed. Jaden nodded, acknowledging that it wasn't going to be the three of them.

He heard Travis sigh, "Somethings up, what is it?" He leaned back into his chair.

Jaden scoffed, "Nothing—wrong," he choked his words.

Travis shot him that one dad looks, "Don't lie to me boy. I know something up, so talk." His words were so rough but loving?

"Alright," he bit, "I've been thinking." He sighed.

"And is thinking hard for you?"

Jaden shook his head, "Eh sometimes. I guess it depends on what I'm thinking about."


Jaden thought for a minute, he couldn't exactly drop names, it would just make it all worse. "So uhm. There's this person, and I'm not sure if I like them. And it's all sorta new to me like I've dated people in the past but it hasn't been like this. And, I'm just not sure how it would all work out if we were to progress any further. That's if they like me back. I can't exactly avoid them because we wor—" he stopped himself. If he were to say that the two worked together, it would give away details. Too much detail.

"You what?" Travis asked, smirking on the inside.

Jaden blushed, "We are—uhm— good friends," he lied, but failed.

Travis nodded, not believing shit that Jaden had just said. "Well, I think if you like them, and they like you. Then go for it." He sat up in his chair.

"I'll try," he smiled.

The other people arrived one by one. Jaden tried to avoid Colson's eyesight but failed, again. They ended up hugging, which led to Colson snaking his hands to Jaden's ass. They all gathered around the small circular table.

"So the song."

"So the song," Jaden mimicked.

"Jaden!" Colson laughed.

Travis rolled his eyes at the younger boy and then looked at the rest of the people, "So, I think an important part of any song is getting the hype built up around it. Which Jaden, you are doing a good job at. You haven't even leaked who's in it either," Travis smiled at the boy.

"Thank you, sir," he saluted. He was feeling funny like he wanted to be funny.

"I'm gonna drag you by your hair," Travis spoke harshly.

"At least I have hair!" Jaden retorted. Colson had to choke down a laugh, while the other three men in the room covered their mouths to stifle theirs.

"Are you feeling okay?" Travis asked.

Jaden shrugged, "I might be getting sick."

Colson stopped laughing and looked over at Jaden. He was concerned. Jaden pushed it off, but he knew they were going to talk about it later.

"Yeah maybe. So another thing, for the next few weeks I have a lot going on, and for a week I'll be gone with Kourt. So I'm leaving Colson and you in charge of finishing the song. Got it?" He looked between the both of them.

Jaden nodded, "Got—achoo—it" he sneezed. Definitely sick.

Colson placed a hand on his back and started rubbing it. "Yeah got it Trav. I think he needs to go home though," he pointed at the boy who now was looking a lot paler.

Travis nodded quickly, "Jae go home, get some rest," he said, coming from a father standpoint.

"Okay," he mumbled. He stood up told everyone goodbye and then left. He hated being sick.




hey, I'm back. sort of.

I've been depressed and highly unmotivated for the past week. I've also been playing parent to my two younger brothers. so that's been hard. and then school. I have finals and sols coming up.

sols are in two weeks (not next week but the one after) and I need to pass them so I've been working with that. this has become one of my last priorities for the time being. I'm hoping I can come back to two updates a week before finals start. (can't believe I'm almost done with freshman year.)

so in short; I'm sorry for not updating a lot.

I hope you liked the chapter!!

NEXT CHAPTER: sixteen and a half | being sick is no fun.
*I suggest you read it bc some chapters after will have a reference to that and it would be better to read it!!

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